In China, no one knows about “Chinese cookies fate “

In China, no one knows aboutPhoto from open sources So-called fortune cookies or cookies with predictions is a signature feature of all restaurants Chinese food in the USA. Most Americans sincerely believe that adopted this interesting culinary tradition from the inhabitants of China.

Crispy Vanilla Dough Cookies of Fate Served visitors to catering after a meal. It is necessary to break the confectionery into two parts and remove from him a piece of paper on which is written some parting words on near future. For example, “Listen to ideas floating around air “or” Don’t be afraid to apologize to the person whom offended. ”

It is noteworthy that, according to a sociological survey, conducted among Americans in 2011, eighty-five percent of visitors to Chinese restaurants in the US listen with cookie tips, with fourteen percent trying follow them implicitly.

However, the Chinese themselves have such cookies until recently could try only in America, like residents of other states. In the PRC, nothing like this has ever happened before. Funny that in the new Chinese restaurants began to serve it not so long ago under the name “Traditional American Cookies.”

Until the forties of the last century, fortune cookies were only a few Chinese restaurants are known in San Francisco. Then the idea that customers liked at these establishments adopted other catering outlets specializing in traditional Chinese food. Where did the tradition come from?

Fortune cookies were not invented by the Americans or the Chinese, but Japanese. Since ancient times in Shinto temples of the Land of the Rising Sun Fortunetelling under the name Omikuji. Japanese faced with a problem, had to come up with several options for solving it, write them down on paper and randomly pull out one of them, using your own advice.

Japanese immigrant Makoto Hagiwara, who came to America in forties, opened a tea cafe in San Francisco, where once invented to give visitors a cookie in which baked pieces of paper with parting words. Before that, he asked the waiter carefully to inspect visitors and tell what they are. So, a young couple on a date, cookies advised not to a wedding, and a group of senior citizens from a nearby nursing home dessert predicted health and happiness.

Customers were very pleased with this innovation. Especially, that food service visitors love all sorts of interesting things. For instance, when cookies are served plus an edible cup of Scoff-ee, invented most recently by the British, it causes regulars The cafe is a real delight.

China USA Japan

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