Farmers in China caught a huge rodent, which, as they believed to be a rat. The animal terrorized the villagers and devoured the whole fish, eyewitnesses say. Hunters tried butcher a 5 kg rodent to eat but broke two knife about his thick skin and strong bones. Monstrous an animal ten times the weight of an average rat, for the first time was spotted by a pond in Shenyang Village, Hunan Province, where it caught 3 kg fish. Locals saw how huge the rodent caught a large fish, and pulled it ashore, swallowed entirely. Local farmers decided to join forces in trying to catch the beast that brought fear to the villagers. After several days of hunting, the men managed to drive the giant rat into a trap, and then hammer it with makeshift weapons. However, when they tried to cook a giant rodent, they broke two knives, trying to cut it. In the province of Guangdong in the south Chinese rats are a traditional treat. Rodents may be served stewed, fried, in addition, according to local residents, on rat broth you can cook a delicious soup. Local gourmets consider rat baked with ducks a special treat. Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources
China Rat Fish