Famous Dnepropetrovsk traveler Sergey Gordienko Now located in the Crimea. According to his assistant, the ninth November traveler saw strange phenomena on the water. In it Gordienko was at a safe distance on the cliff. is he saw the animal begin to curl into a half ring, and his head It was constantly above the water. Maneuvers lasted about 15 minutes. “The locals say that this creature appears often, destroys dolphins, sometimes people disappear and find torn tents “, – Gordinko says. Photos from open sources About the “Karadag Monster” have long been walking legends, local residents accuse the monster of mass death dolphins and missing people. So, in 2011 on the coast between Theodosius and Kerch discovered about 30 dead individuals dolphins. According to legend, a monster looks like a huge snake with a head about 50 cm in diameter. Back in the 90s they said that many ribs were bitten off dead dolphins and traces of 16 were left teeth. The first reminder of the monster dates back to the 16th century, but then the serpent was land, he attacked the sheep and sucked blood from them. True, scientists often deny the existence of a monster, calling these are legends. “In Crimea, alas, dolphins often die, mainly from the propellers of boats, but people have long written off them death to a mysterious monster, “- said in the museum of local lore Crimea.
Photos from open sources
Water Dolphins Crimea Monsters