In France, intentional depreciation of goods recognized illegal

In France, the deliberate depreciation of goods was declared illegalA photo from open sources

A very useful law for consumers has recently entered into force France. From now on, it is forbidden to manufacture in this state goods that, according to the manufacturer, will be premature fail.

Now local industrialists will not be able to deliberately reduce the life of household appliances, electronics and other goods, as once, for example, manufacturers of incandescent lamps arrived in many countries, deliberately reducing their working lives to five hundred hours, or even less.

Violation of the new law may deliver to the manufacturer significant trouble. According to French officials, the fine will be three hundred thousand euros, while dishonorable the manufacturer will also have to go to jail for two years. If the company has too high a profit, and three hundred thousand for her – nothing, then the penalty can be five percent of the annual turnover firms.

We are talking about those industrialists who deliberately supply their products with low-quality parts that quickly lead to exit appliances out of order. Technique, in other words, could serve for many years, however, its rapid failure, occurring as it is not difficult to guess, after the expiration of the warranty period, forces a consumer to purchase a new product or repair an existing one – often in specialized workshops owned again the manufacturer, who also performs repairs again with an eye on Intentional wear.

However, French environmentalists, one of the initiators of the project, report that holding manufacturers accountable It will not be such an easy task. First buyer will have to to prove that the equipment he acquired broke precisely because of fault the manufacturer who specifically programmed its failure. IN in this regard, the new French law will probably not be considered a legal tool allowing consumers to stand for your rights. This is most likely a signal industrialists.

Interestingly, other European countries are eagerly watching for the development of events. If the law is effective, it can accept in the rest of the European Union. And it can become real revolution in industry.

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