A photo from open sources
Entomologist Peter Naskreski said that when he once took a night walk in the rainforest in Guyana then heard rustling, as if someone was crawling underfoot. When Peter shone a flashlight, he expected to see a small animal, but he saw a huge spider the size of a small dog. Photos from open sources
According to the Guinness Book of Records, a spider discovered by a scientist refers to the largest spider species known as birdeater (tarantula-goliath). The swing of his paws can reach 30 centimeters, and body weight – 170 grams. Spider claws produce very sharp, clicking sounds that resemble a clatter of horse hooves on impact about the earth. Photos from open sources
Examining a spider, Naskreski noticed that a tropical creature as if he was rubbing his hind legs on his tummy. Such behavior seemed to the scientist cute, however, as it later turned out, the spider was so in a way formed a cloud of small hairs, which, falling into eyes, or on another mucous membrane of a person, causes severe itching, which can last several days. Another formidable weapon giant spider are its powerful fangs. Goliath bite for human, although not fatal, but very painful. Third tiny hooks are the protective mechanism of the eight-legged beast, which during movement create a hissing sound that repels other predators. Despite its name, birdeater is usually a bird they don’t eat, although they can certainly ruin their nests and kill small ones mammals. Spiders of this species tend to hunt at night, masking in fallen leaves. The usual food for them are frogs, insects, and earthworms that creep out at night when it gets wet. Birdeater – not really common type of spiders. Peter said that over the past 10 years work in the tropics, he only encountered them three times. One the specimen caught in Guyana turned out to be a female, and now it is kept in the museum. True, the scientist did not specify whether there was a spider found on that moment alive or not. The only thing known is that now the spider serves in as an exhibit for training biologists involved conservation of this species.