In Moscow, pigeons are getting sick and dying en masse

Citizens consider the cause of the “pestilence” of bird disease and … an apocalypse. Muscovites noticed the strange behavior of pigeons: birds look lethargic and sleepy. And they don’t even react to danger – whether approaching a person or machine.

“It seems that they have all the instincts gone, my son loves to drive pigeons around the yard, but yesterday they didn’t take off, but they sat like that, choked up, and did not budge, “- writes in his blog Vladislav.

Others agreed with Vladislav. People have noticed that the latter two weeks the birds behave unpredictably – and even refuse food.

“I always leave the crumbs and feed the pigeons, about three days ago poured all the crumbs on the asphalt, but five pigeons flew up, three more the pigeons didn’t react, but in general it doesn’t look like them, ”writes another Muscovite Elena.

Doves are massively sick and dying in MoscowA photo from open sources

Yes, there are a lot of dead birds in the streets. On the way to the metro for 15 minutes shabby “birds” are found every 200 meters.

Bloggers put forward a variety of versions – from the epidemic to … approaching doomsday.

“The mass death of birds is a sign of the apocalypse, don’t you understand? “, – this, and in all seriousness, they write to LJ and add that the nearest date of the light presentation is August 23, her allegedly predicted by Grigory Rasputin.

However, ornithologists have their own explanation “phenomenon”.

– This year the climate is favorable for birds, there is no heat and drought, therefore a lot of chicks have hatched, – the member shares with “KP” Moscow club of pigeon farmers Igor Linin. – maybe some the chicks did not have time to get stronger and died. This is a natural selection. But, if 10-15 percent die, then this is not scary.

A photo from open sources

In the Moscow bird parlor Green Parrot they say that only sick birds die.

– In winter, sick birds die quickly, and in the summer they are still long may exist, ”ornithologists explain. – Most often birds fall ill with trichomoniasis, ornithosis and vertichyka. For twirls like times a violation of coordination of movement is characteristic. Trichomoniasis symptoms are lethargy and drowsiness. We can cure only those with disease at the initial stage. In severe stage of trichomoniasis in birds overgrows and begins to rot the larynx and esophagus. And such a bird more often all dies of hunger.

If you meet such a pigeon on the road and want him help, then you can take it only with gloves (many infections transmitted to humans – approx. author). It’s best to take the bird to nearest vet clinic. If you are not on the way – then do not be lazy put the bird in a regular shoe box – it will serve him protection from homeless animals. Leave warm water and feed.

Recall that before the mass death of birds was recorded in 2010 year. Then, due to smog, the birds began to have problems with light. But now that sky is clear, and it’s hot to call this summer hard.


This photo was taken by our correspondent right at the editorial threshold “KP”. The bird has landed on the steps and does not respond at all people passing by.

The photo clearly shows that her eyes are covered with a film and, throughout visibility, the pigeon went blind. Over the beak, inflammation is noticeable. what happening with birds in Moscow? Waiting for comments from specialists.

A photo from open sources

Comments were not long in coming. According to experts, birds literally turn into zombies and die due to a virus Newcastle. This virus is dangerous for humans, experts warn. Assistant to the Head of the Rosselkhoznadzor Alexey Alekseenko said: “With this infection, a sick pigeon can infect a person through the mucous membrane of the eye. True for it’s not as dangerous for humans as it is for a bird. “As an expert explained in an interview with ITAR-TASS, a disease caught from a bird, looks like a cold. The patient has been observed for a week symptoms of conjunctivitis with edema of the parotid lymph nodes. Poultry workers and workers have the greatest chance of contracting infection. laboratory staff. Newcastle disease is also called pseudo-plague birds, she has a popular name – a swivel. It’s contagious viral disease is spread around the world. Permanent the source of the disease is small poultry farms in Asia, Africa, Central and South America. As for salmonellosis, this intestinal disease is caused by numerous pathogens from the genus Salmonella. The main sources of infection are animals, occasionally people. Many pets, as well as birds and rodents, the disease is asymptomatic. “Today we really celebrate the death of pigeons in Moscow. Held monitoring an epizootic situation that showed that pigeons infected with Newcastle disease and salmonellosis. Because birds lead yourself is so strange, ”said Alexey Alekseenko. – reason the development of diseases could become very hot this summer, as pigeons are very sensitive to high temperatures. But still epizootics until we observe. “A sick pigeon can be externally distinguish from healthy. Feathered feathers are disheveled in an infected bird; apathetic and looking exhausted. Due to nerve disorders in the pigeon the head may tremble, and later paralysis of the legs and wings occurs. At sick bird impaired vision and coordination, pigeon can fly directly at a person without noticing him, and subsequently completely loses the ability to fly. Mortality of young birds from this the disease is very high, while adults can survive. Data The Rosselkhoznadzor is also confirmed in the Russian Bird Protection Union. how notes the head of the organization, Viktor Zubakin, since the end of July the number of messages from Muscovites about strange behavior has increased pigeons. According to the ornithologist, birds in the city are very fast become infected – urban conditions contribute to this. Muscovites feeding birds, so the birds gather in large groups around treats and become infected from each other. Also towards the end In summer, pigeon young growth, especially susceptible to disease, grows up. Ornithologists urge Muscovites to be more careful with birds. So as not to to get infected, do not take suspicious birds in your hands. What if there was contact with the pigeon, hands should be washed thoroughly. When mass death of pigeons need to immediately inform the capital sanitary and epidemiological stations. Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation and Head of Rospotrebnadzor Gennady Onishchenko urged residents of the capital to ensure that children did not play with sick birds. “Especially us in this regard should be disturbed by playgrounds “, – quotes his words Interfax If a dead bird was found on the balcony, it must be rinse with a disinfectant. This must be done in rubber gloves, stressed the chief medical officer.

Viruses Grigory Rasputin End of the World Moscow Birds Russia

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