In Russia, found a huge amber nugget

In Russia, found a huge amber nuggetPhotos from open sources of

Kaliningrad prospectors managed to get a unique piece amber of enormous size. Its weight is over two kilograms seven hundred grams. Old-timers working for the only one in our country amber plant, claim to have not picked up stones so high mass for many decades, and in this career such a finding is generally encountered for the first time.

The age of a piece of petrified fossil resin is tens million years. According to geologist Sergei Kurakin, who became the author finds, he discovered a semiprecious stone quite by accident. Heavy rain fell, and amber himself came to the surface from under land. The nugget delighted not only himself Kurakin, but also his many colleagues from Kaliningrad Amber Factory.

Every year, the bowels of the Primorsky quarry give Russia more than three hundred tons of amber. However, truly valuable and large instances are far from common, therefore, detection a nugget weighing almost three kilograms is undeniable event in the domestic amber industry, and in the world too.

Employees of the plant say that stones weighing more than kilograms are extracted about once every sixty days. Half-kilogram pieces – a little more often, but they are specially registered no longer set – too small for this.

Any amber weighing over a thousand grams is immediately fixed and sent to the Gokhran of Russia – a federal government agency in Moscow, engaged in precious metals and stones. There experts decide whether the nugget should be returned to the plant or not. For example, it can be high value to the museum or to the pharmaceutical industry and then amber will be transferred precisely for these purposes. So the piece found the oldest resin will also go to the capital, where it is carefully research and appreciate. In this case, the examination will last three whole months.

Recall that the largest piece of amber found by man weighs fifteen kilograms two hundred and fifty grams and is stored today at the London Museum of Natural History.

Stones Russia

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