Apartment owners will have to climb the 47th floor on foot the stairs Photos from open sources Photos from gizmodo.com the Spanish city of Benidorm built an Intempo skyscraper, however builders forgot about the elevator. It is worth noting that the whole process construction was fraught with a number of problems. Initial project funded by Caixa Galicia, but then it took yourself bank sareb. This financial institution is considered in Spain. a bad bank. First, banks gave a loan of 93 million euro to a developer whose start-up capital was a little more than 3 thousand euros. After the crisis, investors stopped invest in this project. In 2011, a construction site occurred incident – the lift fell, 13 workers were injured. And in recently, builders generally refused to go to work due to delayed pay. The house was supposed to pass in 2009, however until now, construction is only 94% complete. To finish the building is promised in December this year. However, sold in it so far only 35% of apartments. Initially, it was planned that the building will be only 20 floors, but in the process the building “grew” to 47 floors, on which 269 apartments are located. All this affected the costs. But the main thing is that in the project of a 20-storey building technical requirements according to which there was to be built elevator. When building on new floors, no one thought that need to redo the lift system in accordance with changed conditions. Architects who worked on the original project, after that they quit. It remains unclear how the developer will solve the problem.