In the American cave found a terrible magic statuette

In the American cave found a terrible magical figurineA photo from open sources

In one of the many caves of the American mountain range Catskill in the southern Appalachians, two tourists made an unexpected and even a very frightening find. Travelers stumbled upon a wooden a figurine mounted in a recess in stone on a pile of leaves.

Three eyes are carved in a skillfully carved humanoid figure a nail, and a rope with a noose hangs on the neck of the figurine. You might think, that this is some kind of magic doll made by followers traditional african voodoo religion. One can only guess who it was he who created this figurine, for what purpose he mutilated it and why, in fact, left this terrible statue in an empty cave.

A photo from open sources

One of the tourists took the find to his home, after which he inexplicable events began to occur. The figure began spontaneously move around the apartment, finding themselves in a variety of places. American began to sleep poorly, suffering from nightmares and nightly horrors. Inexplicable tracks began to appear on the floor, and personal items the men themselves broke, got dirty and disappeared. Of course the owner of the find was scared, but decided not to throw out the mysterious statuette. Instead, he contacted a specialist in supernatural phenomena and handed the figurine to him.

The paranormal researcher realized that the artifact has mystical properties as soon as he picked up the item in his hands. When the doll was in his house, a crucifix with Jesus Christ, hanging on the wall for several decades. The expert claims that the figurine is charged with a very strong negative energy, however, it is impossible to throw out or destroy it, since then evil forces will be at liberty and will be able to move into any other thing or even living thing.

The specialist promised to save the “dark artifact” and place it in special insulation that will no longer allow dark energy is rampant.

A photo from open sources

Cave Dolls

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