In the Amur Region, a six-year-old boy was found in forest treasure

In the Amur Region, a six-year-old boy found a treasure in the forestA photo from open sources

It is believed that their masters not only reliably bury treasures, but they also speak, why the hidden jewels and gold seem to elude treasure hunters, sometimes in a mystical way right on their eyes sinking deeper into the ground.

Nevertheless, there are happy times when treasures are like sent to man from above. This is exactly what happened with the six-year-old a boy who was driving with his parents the other day in a forest Amur region, when suddenly the child wanted to use the toilet. Father sent the little boy into the bushes, handing him (rather for fun) a portable shovel, so that he would bury what he had created in the forest indecency.

However, when the six-year-old Nikita began to dig, he came across piece of fabric. Curiosity took up and the boy continued digging up something that ultimately turned out to be small a treasure of gold coins and jewelry.

Nikita called his parents. Father, a little versed in numismatics, I realized that the golden moments are old, and therefore traveled to the city and brought specialists of the museum of historical values. On-site scientists (historians and archaeologists) determined that all values ​​found by the boy belong to the thirteenth century.

It was surprising to the researchers that the treasure was in the wilderness of the forest and almost only slightly buried. Till they cannot determine how he got here, however lie here for almost eight centuries in a piece of cloth he simply could not.

Treasures granted to people

Nikita himself for this treasure, transferred to the state and representing tremendous cultural value for the country, received a letter and monetary remuneration in the amount of half a million rubles.

By the way, to the question of why treasures are opened to some people themselves, although these lucky ones believe that they are just lucky. Apparently they deserve it, not in vain in Russia, for example, there are such a saying: if God wants, then he will give treasure to the window. That’s exactly what happened with Nikita, about the same happened not so long ago with a Moscow resident living on the street Pavel Andreev (Zamoskvorechye district). She was doing repairs in her apartment and (presumably by accident) stumbled into the wall on a metal pipe walled up there. In this cache a woman discovered almost one and a half hundred gold coins in denominations of ten rubles – with the image on their front side of Emperor Nicholas II. And such divine gifts are not so rare …


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