Photo from open sources
Far Eastern scientists claim to have done amazing opening.
In early September, employees of the National Marine Center biologists organized an expedition to the Chukchi Sea on research ship “Academic Oparin”. During this expeditions Russian researchers found that the sea, located in the Arctic Ocean between Alaska and Chukotka, has real oases of bottom life, unknown reason also found in abundance representatives tropical flora and fauna.
Thus, the prevailing scientific opinion that that the cold Chukchi Sea is devoid of biological diversity, turned out to be fundamentally wrong. For example, American researchers repeatedly made such expeditions here and every time claimed that there was nothing worthy of attention at sea. Domestic scientists found whole at the bottom of the cold pool areas of vibrant life, very reminiscent of tropical.
A photo from open sources
Vyacheslav Odintsov, who is the head of the expedition, says that such “tropical oases”, in particular, are found in the southern parts of the sea. Specialists have registered here extraordinary clusters of bottom animals: sea anemones, sponges, starfish and so Further. Scientists were simply stunned to see such creatures in Arctic Ocean. It’s tantamount to meeting white Bear in the middle of the Sahara.
What caused such natural anomalies, our compatriots so far unable to say, but plan to find out. Now it’s suggested that global warming is to blame, due to which the line dividing bottom waters with plus and minus temperature, it began to pass much east to compared with the indicators of a hundred years ago. Up to the current moment it was believed that the northern seas are extremely scarce variety of living things. And here are the starfish!
A photo from open sources
Interestingly, many of the species found may be commercial. and pharmaceutical use. In some southern parts of Chukchi of the sea the number of living creatures per square meter exceeds two eighteen hundred copies, and they weigh an average of twenty eight kilograms per meter.
It is reported that the purpose of this expedition was a comprehensive study of the ecosystem of the cold sea and determine the impact on it global warming. A previous similar study was conducted by Russian scientists in 1935 at the Krasin icebreaker.
Global Warming Life