A photo open source Diver vacationing in Bali in Indonesia, accidentally encountered in the water off the coast of the island with a mysterious creature.
An incomprehensible green creature that had thirteen legs and a large transparent head, puzzled the diver. Head of the sea animal, by the way, turned out to be like a balloon, because the inhabitant of the depths, as it turned out, was able to easily change its size, inflating this part of the body three times.
Fortunately for ourselves and for us, the tourist was carrying a waterproof camera, so it was not difficult for him to capture the mysterious creature in the video. Subsequently, the diver posted an unusual entry in The Internet, where it instantly scattered across many sites. World Wide Web patrons began to put forward various theories as to what this creature is. Some thought that it is a marine animal unknown to science. Others claimed that speech it’s about the creepy mutant and the mistake of nature. Still others suggested that the diver came across an alien organism.
Reality, however, turned out to be much more prosaic. Marine biologists who familiarized themselves with the video, came to the conclusion that it captured the nudibranch clam melibe from the family Tethydidae, also called a clam vacuum cleaner. He just found in the waters near the Malay archipelago, where the tourist met with him. it creature carnivorous, its bizarre head with a large mouth he uses it just like a vacuum cleaner, driving it along the seabed and sucking small crustaceans, jellyfish, as well as other soft bodies.
Adults reach a length of ten and a width of two and a half centimeters. Their growths on the body, although they perform the function of the legs, but when attacked by predators, they can be dropped like the tail of a lizard. For humans, the melibe mollusks pose no danger. They, by the way, are very rare, and therefore cause surprise and association with aliens, even with the most experienced divers.
Something scientists can (or try) to explain, and if they can’t, they will definitely prove to us that no miracles in the world simply it happens. It’s a pity…