A photo from open sources Specialists studying various unexplained phenomena were extremely surprised when they were in the hands caught the body of a mysterious creature. Amazing animal size from a matchbox resident of Krasnoyarsk handed over to experts.
Miracle little animal was caught by her relative in the river Esaulovka near the city of Sosnovoborsk in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Fisherman either accidentally scooped up a creature unknown to science, or it itself crawled into his gauntlet. The animal, according to the man, was alive, however, the angler preferred to crush him immediately, “from sin away. ”
The dead creature has already been called Keshey. First specialists thought it was a mutated chick embryo – not far from the river just the poultry farm is located. However, other experts which showed the body, concluded that to determine the biological species an animal is extremely difficult. It is neither bird nor fish because it has a disproportionately large skull form, and also has no beak and fins.
Biologist Egor Zadereev from the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Biophysics it was concluded that the creature has ancestors from the animal world, however which ones are a real mystery. Determine immediately what exactly represents this creation, impossible.
It is reported that the body of an amazing animal will be transferred Moscow geneticists for thorough analysis. It is assumed that these tests will determine if it is a mutant. or some kind previously unknown to science.