A photo from open sources
Of course, this is not the same soil that was collected research probes from the surface of Mars or the Moon. Data experimental samples were created by NASA scientists. Model the soil was previously enriched with organic fertilizer.
Dutch scientists sow samples of the model soil of the moon and Mars various cultures, and received a good harvest. What only confirmed the possibility of growing food on Mars and the Moon. About it tells the publication “Open Agriculture”.
Researchers have chosen to land in “alien soil” arugula, watercress, tomatoes, chives, spinach, leeks and peas. For comparison, the same cultures were planted in the ordinary earth priming. All plants that grew in “alien” soil gave good harvest.
Scientists were thrilled when they discovered that tomatoes in “Martian” soil turned red. This, according to researchers, talks about a new step towards sustainable agriculture ecosystem that can be realized on Mars or the Moon.
Earlier, Utrecht University concluded that on Krasnaya the planet once had water, and, one can quite assume, such the same biological life as on Earth.
Andrey Vetrov
Moon Mars Plants