In the photos of the tour group Dyatlov found ghostly figure

A ghostly figure was found in the photographs of the Dyatlov tourist groupA photo from open sources

Domestic blogger Valentin Degterev, long and very conscientiously studying the mysterious death of a tourist group Dyatlova, shared another intriguing with Runet users find. According to an enthusiast, he discovered a foreign an online resource that publishes rare photographs taken a member of the notorious expedition Semyon Zolotarev.

The traveler did not seem to part with the camera until the very of death. However, the film he received was apparently sold after the tragedy abroad, because rare frames all this time was not available to the Russian observer. Now somebody digitized them and put them on the Web, making them available to users Internet from all over the Earth.

A photo from open sources

A series of mysterious images demonstrates various alleged shooting artifacts that are difficult to identify. With due imagination, in these photos you can see the starry the sky, the flight of an unidentified aircraft, a fragment of some an explosion and, most interestingly, a pale anthropomorphic figure, suspiciously like some ghost.

Many of the regulars on the World Wide Web immediately stated that speech is about a native of the other world. Say, what else could it be if not a translucent phantom silhouette? Maybe even he became cause the death of a group of 9 tourists led by Igor Dyatlov. In addition, earlier it was suggested that the tragedy was mystical …

Dyatlov Pass

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