A photo from open sources
We all love, or once loved, read adventure literature. Absorbing utter stories, we don’t even think about that the people depicted there very often possess supernatural abilities.
We are not even confused by ultra-precise matches of numbers, dates and random numbers, which often results from lucky meetings or misfortunes and universal disasters.
Fantasies of writers are mysterious and unpredictable. However on there are phenomenal people with super genius abilities. In reality, people actually meet heart-shaped birthmarks on the chest, and in Siamese twins in reality there were 6 ears for two. Nature allows this occasionally.
We want to briefly tell you about people with an unknown. origin, with original destiny, with abilities, paranormal and so on …
Back in 1887, the Spanish town of Banjos was shocked an unprecedented event. Nearby in a field on peasants found agricultural work at the entrance to the abandoned the cave of two children left by negligent parents as many thought. A scared cry attracted people to the cave and rampant crying of children. When the peasants discovered the source the indignant roar, then they themselves were speechless. The noise came from the mouth boys and girls of 2-3 years of age. On children was unknown clothes were stretched, as it seemed to everyone, sewn from metal or iron-based matter. No wonder color children’s faces visibly gave unnatural pallor with a greenish a shade. First of all, everyone paid attention to this. Boy and the girl babbled, turning to their saviors, on the incomprehensible language. Their speech was like gurgling and dripping water. Nobody like that could not reproduce these sounds.
The peasants took the children to their home on the outskirts of the city. The poor people’s hearts are bigger and kinder. However, the boy soon died, because he didn’t want to eat ordinary human food. A the girl managed to get out with great difficulty. She even learned Communicate with your rescuers in Spanish. The girl reported people that she and her brother came from places where there is no sun. Instead of light there is a permanent twilight and twilight.
The girl could not explain her sudden appearance on The earth. She only remembered a loud explosion, and then she ended up in cave …
The appearance of green-faced children remains a mystery to this day. mysterious mystery.
And she is considered a strange character, referred to in The bible. According to the Holy Scriptures, he refused to do God’s will and “fled from the presence of the Lord” on the ship; on the way I got into a storm which calmed down only after the shipbuilders threw Jonah overboard …
Further, the unfortunate Jonah was swallowed either by a whale, or by another huge fish. However, Jonah was lucky, he managed to get out safe and sound from the stomach of a sea monster.
Many considered this story to be fiction and nonsense, but in 1891 one British sailor repeated the fate of the biblical hero Jonah. This man hired as a sailor on a whaling ship “Star East “, which came out on the next fishing catch. During whale face sailors landed on the boats from which went direct whale hunting and slaughter with sharp harpoons. However, at that time, the whale turned out to be so tenacious and powerful, that smashed one of the boats. Resulting in two sailors disappeared without a trace. Drowned, thought the rest of the team. This often happened with whalers.
The whales were scored and hoisted by ropes aboard the ship. Then whale steel bowel. They ripped open his belly, dumped his intestines on the deck … But then the sailors noticed that in the large intestine of the whale something beats and stirs vigorously, as if trying to get out. Then the sailors ripped up the colon and the very same came out stained to disgust but the lively sailor James Bartley – “new Jonah. “He was unconscious, but alive!
Photos from open sources Benedetto Supino
In the 80s of the last century, great press attention was riveted to a 10-year-old boy from a small Italian town Formia Benedetto Supino. The boy was distinguished by an unusual ability set your eyes on fire. Most often it is happened unintentionally. Only one was enough Benedetto’s presence to anything in the room or in the house ignited, smoldered, smoked. First time self-ignition happened in 1982 when Supino nervously flipped through a comic book in waiting for a call to the doctor at the dentist’s office. Comics burned out to the ground. Once Beneditto woke up in the morning because under him the sheet, pillow, and other bedding set on fire. Most of all, the boy suffered from self-igniting pajamas. One day, his uncle came to visit Benedetto. He brought a nephew a plastic toy that flared up at a glance the arsonist. Fire engulfed wherever the boy appeared. Burned furniture, a blackboard, a kitchen set and everything that can burn. Such a phenomenon!
We know many stories of the Mowgli children they raised our smaller brothers are wild beasts. One of the strangest seen us the case of a girl from the suburbs of Delphi – Kansas. It was in the 70s of the last century. History is associated with UFO flights.
It all began in July 1974, when the local press began notes appearing about a 10-12 year old girl who farmers met in the forest. Witnesses claimed that she was dressed in rags of red color, and her brown hair resembled dirty mop. Seeing people, she immediately hid in a forest belt at the help of all four of his limbs, like a frightened beast. In while searching for a girl arranged by the Kansas authorities, she managed to blood, scratch several male rescuers with their long nails.
And rumors of UFOs started off years earlier, when in 1971 16-year-old Ronald Johnson said he witnessed a touchdown at a forest near the UFO Delphus, which had the shape of a mushroom. The boy claimed that later in the same place I met a little girl in rags, which moved on all fours. So both of these events combined into one strange thing with UFOs.
Unlike Mowgli, a girl named Zayn was not wild the temper and habits of wild animals. She behaved quite peacefully and humbly, trying to show his friendliness. It was discovered and Russian settlers of the Caucasus drew attention to it. Mentions of it appeared in the middle of the XVIII century. She was given the name Zane. People who saw this girl noted in her monkey features and body: strong and muscular arms and legs, thick fingers and thick the hair that spread throughout the body the girls.
Some experts have suggested that Zayn – ancestor of a randomly surviving branch of Neanderthals or even a female Bigfoot (Bigfoot). Others talked about a hybrid human and monkey. What is the fate of this unfortunate creature – nobody knows.
Photos from open sources by Daniel Danglas Hume
Daniel Danglas Hume could not know anything about the great magician and psychic Harry Houdini, because he was born and lived much earlier his famous colleague. However, in America, Hume is considered one of the the greatest physicists of the 19th century. But Hume became famous not the discovery of the law of physics, but rather, their closure or complete by skimming those. Anyway, he made a living showing the public many unusual tricks that are advanced scientists of the era are nicknamed “paranormal experiments or supernatural experiences. ”
Mr. Hume’s sessions really amazed everyone without exceptions to residents of the United States, regardless of their education and religion. Hume lifted the stage with one of his gaze a heavy oak table and even a chair with a volunteer sitting on it public, violating all conceivable laws of gravity. After all lifting levers and fixtures none of those present at I could never find these sessions.
With hundreds of witnesses and experts, Mr. Hume calmly touched with bare palms of hands to white-hot coals. Same he demonstrated the technique by immersing his face in hot coal. No burns or other wounds on the skin of the mage were observed either through minute, not an hour, not a day after the experiment.
However, most of all other eyewitnesses terrified and ecstasy Hume’s ability to grow. Once he succeeded “stretch” yourself by a will effort of 30 centimeters! Measurements produced by certified doctors who couldn’t explain this phenomenon.
Unlike all the other magicians and psychics, Daniel Hume only welcomed the appearance of scientists in his representations, doctors, writers and skeptics of all stripes. He invited them and their colleagues – magicians and magicians, offering to repeat the trick or demonstrate yours.
Once he showed an example of the absence of gravity, soaring above floor and flying out through the open window of the fourth floor. To horror after half a minute, Hume flew from the street to the neighboring open window. From the street thousands of spectators watched the trick. Nobody found a dirty trick. And still no one can repeat Hume’s tricks, nor logically explain them.
Yeti Cave Gravity Time