A photo from open sources
American social networks shocking scandal over ceremony broadcasts in the US – in the global trends of Twitter even the hashtag #NBCFail appeared. Recall that many followers Olympics Americans even had to use direct broadcasts from Canada or from the UK. NBC Broadcasting Company, who bought the exclusive rights to broadcast the Games, not only showed ceremony with a 10-hour delay, but also cut out from it all the positive to Russia. According to media and American viewers, many moments of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games were simply removed – for example, the song of the group “Tatu”, the performance by the choir of the Interior Ministry of the song “Get Lucky “Daft Punk bands, episodes about the communist period history of Russia. Separately and mercilessly cut out the words of the head of the IOC Thomas Bach is grateful to the Russian Federation and the organizers of Sochi-2014. Until now, hundreds of thousands of American viewers are wondering: why the broadcast of the Olympic talismans? What do they have to do with it? “I’m in Germany and showed here full version of the broadcast of the opening [Olympics – approx. red] “, – said Politonline.ru famous international political scientist Alexander Rar. is he emphasized that such a situation “is harmful first of all American viewers who were unable to see the opening in his full form, with all historical moments and speeches. “No guessing to understand the reasons. Yes, NBC – not state television channel, but … just did not go to the opening of Barack Obama – means “this” in the US and no need to look! And then suddenly ideologically unstable understand “bloody Russia” and think about how Tim Kerby and that slalom guy that “in the United States above sixth place is not rose, and as he dumped from America to Russia, he immediately stood on world championship podiums get in. “Jokes, of course, jokes, but The fact of censorship is not only there – it is not even refuted by NBC. However, this is not surprising – after all, back in December 2013, the presenter NBC Jay Leno compared the Sochi Olympics … with the 1936 Games in Nazi Germany. “In fact, I can understand the States. The Olympics, like any major international event now, is large investments, development of economic ties and accumulation political weight “, – Russian users comment on the scandal social networks. “In conditions of multipolarity and the fact that the centers economic and political forces are now very sensitive even to little shocks, the foreign policy battle goes for every such occasion and push – it often translates into a significant advantage in the international arena, “they write.” Therefore, Americans are stupid work out to belittle the Olympics in Sochi the most affordable way – they merge information as much as possible, “add the bloggers. “There have been many negative publications on this and the media and social networks. score. Our enemies rang all the bells. You ask: so why did such a fight erupt for the right to host the Olympic Games? In the language of PR, everyone understands that the Olympics are “superweapon in the field of soft power”, the so-called soft power a gigantic event watched by billions of people on the planet, “- confirms in his article a well-known political strategist, professor of NRU HSE Oleg Matveychev. “All the world media talk about him. Moreover media response, as was the case with the Soviet Olympics 80th, stretched for decades. That’s why every time for The right to host the Games is a tense struggle between the leading countries. No Games costs can compare with the extent of information coverage received positive effect, “he added.” The Olympics, by contrast, is the culmination of surge of positive emotions on a global scale. She gives the ability to make the world fall in love with yourself, what to do very, very not easy, “the expert shares. Actually, many have already written about this Russian and foreign media – about attempts, including through “fake” photos, pumping anxiety “a terrorist attack is possible”, etc. informationally “crush” the Russian Olympics. However, how the press reported, the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Sochi looked about 3,500,000,000 people worldwide and many of them write in social networks “I realized that I did not know Russia at all” and admire “how great happened. “And now let’s imagine for a second that something similar happened with us. For example, Putin would not go to the opening of the Olympics in Miami, after which it would be shown at the “First” or “Russia” with a 10-hour delay – having shredded a record with a positive and thanks to the United States. What would start amid liberal an audience that prays for Western freedom of speech, and we have everything sees in “overcoming knee-deep hardships”? “Broadcasts Olympic Games openings should be shown in full, exception make up the ad units that the TV channels [received exclusive rights – ed.] have the right to demonstrate in the process of broadcasting the ceremony, “said Politonline.ru IOC representatives. They also added that “if received complaints about the actions of the translator; (thorough) proceedings that threaten the translator sanctions].
Barack Obama Germany Russia USA