An inexplicable astronomical event occurred 12 centuries ago back, evidence obtained by Japanese scientists at the study of long-lived trees, writes the journal Nature. Photos from open sources
Fusa Miyake and colleagues at Nagoya University investigated carbon-14 (C14) content in Japanese cedar wood. TO to their own surprise, they found that between 774 and 775 years trees received irradiation, 1.2 percent higher than background the norm. For comparison – usually the annual deviation in the content radioactive carbon does not exceed 0.05 percent.
Cosmic ray trail
Radioactive carbon is formed during the bombardment of atomic nuclei atmospheric nitrogen neutrons cosmic rays – beams elementary particles of extraterrestrial origin. C14 is among radioisotopes that are formed during all types of nuclear explosions. It is absorbed by trees during photosynthesis and leaves its “signature” in annual rings.
Scientists made an experiment: they took rings of long-lived cedars and tracked how the amount of C14 isotope changed in them. Then built a curve of the intensity fluctuation of cosmic rays on during this period and compared it with the concentration of the isotope beryllium-10 in a column of ice raised during drilling in the Antarctic. The beryllium isotope is also formed in the atmosphere under the influence of cosmic rays. For greater accuracy, the results were compared with level C14 in trees from North America and Europe. Data, studied by Japanese scientists relate to the period of total lasting 10 thousand years.
A flash – one or more?
What to do with the result obtained is not yet clear to anyone. “Not I can imagine not a single flash of radiation that would be so bright, “Igor told the American magazine New Scientist Moskalenko, an astrophysicist at Stanford University, who is not participated in the study. “Most likely, within one – three years, a series of relatively faint flashes took place. ”
According to Miyake, an ideal candidate for a mysterious trail radiation could be a supernova flash, however such an event would be preserved in historical memory. After all, a supernova explosion is the biggest disaster that can happen to a star. So, supernova that erupted in our milky way in 1054 year, was clearly distinguishable even by day. However no mass evidence of a similar event that would apply to the 770th years. Another explanation is the effect of a flash on the Sun, but then this the flash was supposed to be “more powerful than all of which we know, “the Japanese scientist is sure.
Something was about to happen in the universe, and earthlings about it knew paleodendrologist Michael Bailey from Queens University in Belfast (United Kingdom). He indicates that the English chronicler Roger of Wendover wrote in the 13th century: “In 776 from Christmas The Lord showed terrible signs in heaven. “Why then others historical sources are silent about this spectacle? Bailey and him colleagues will try to answer this question in a new research.
Ufologists have developed the idea of Igor Moskalenko in their direction. AND suggested: Earth accidentally fell into a kind of star wars. It turned out to be on the line of fire waged by alien ships warring civilizations. They fired at each other from gamma lasers. And we were a little hooked.
A photo from open sources
There is a less militant hypothesis. And also from ufologists. She based on research by the American astronomer Harris, who back in 1986, he tried to prove: gamma-ray flashes – both long and short – this is the result of the movement of starships operating on antimatter. And gamma rays appear during the annihilation of antimatter with ours – ordinary. Starship getting energy for movement, time from time to time produces such explosions.
Harris even tried to trace a series of gamma-ray bursts lying on one line. He assured that this is an alien trajectory the ship. The scientist counted as many as 134 such trajectories – they say the movement in the universe is very lively.
So maybe 1237 years ago, the starship exhaust hit the Earth, who carried out maneuvers near us?
Time Universe