Indonesian “Rebel Riders” are the most ridiculous and inventive bikers in the world

IndonesianA photo from open sources

Vespa is a very famous scooter, manufactured from 1946 to the present day Italian engineering company “Piaggio”. If all over the world this a small scooter is simply a popular urban transport means, then in Indonesia he has a truly cult status.

It all began in the 60s of the last century during peacekeeping Indonesian military missions in the Congo. World community by all encouraged the activities of distinguished soldiers and, among other things, among other things, gave them as a reward tens of thousands of Italian mopeds that the Indonesians brought home.

A photo from open sources

Vespa has since passed by inheritance and sold, great buzz over time, but the demand for old scooters of this brand are still high in this Asian country. Only for some 35-50 dollars you can buy here such moped, remake it for yourself and join the “Rebel Riders” – perhaps the most bizarre and ridiculous motorcycle club on the planet.

A photo from open sources

This decentralized biker community is haunting one single goal: to give Vespam an extremely unusual, sometimes shocking look and drive around these fantastic freaks by roads, surprising fellow countrymen. Scooters provide additional wheels, disproportionately long frames, home-made wheelchairs, reed roofs, various metal constructions, “bodies” of boards and plastic bottles, and so on Further.

A photo from open sources

Enthusiasts hang on their “two-wheeled friends” pipes and armature, crossbows, animal skulls, tree branches, machine gun tapes. Indonesia has a tradition and a true subculture by remaking Vesp into something unusual and outstanding. “Rebel Riders”constantly hold their own festivals and races around the country.

A photo from open sources

Other Indonesians mock this motorcycle club and dismissively call its members “trash Vespa.” Police officers have a habit of stopping such people every time. riders.

Despite the fact that the operation of the country is radically prohibited modernized vehicles, law enforcement do not representatives of “Rebel Riders” are arrested, their mopeds are not taken away and not even fined. As a rule, garbage bikers are forced into as a comic punishment, push out a certain number of times or sing some patriotic songs. Humanely not true whether? ..


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