Information technology requires more energy resources

Information technology requires more and more energy resourcesA photo from open sources Many people proudly call themselves fighters for ecology, changing bicycles or spinning in their homes LED light bulbs. But, it costs such an individual, like any of us, sit down at the computer in the evening and go online, like he begins to take part in a slow but persistent destruction Of the earth.

People are used to measuring the harm done to their environment, volumes of burned fuel and waste generated. Well, it seems that in the foreseeable future this list will be replenished with the use of information technologies. Yes, right now, reading this news, you are a little, but still harming our planet.

According to information published by the international environmental the Greenpeace organization, not even two years will pass information and communication technologies will begin annually consume about thirteen percent of all produced human electricity. Just think about this figure. For Comparison, for the same amount of electricity now goes to the world on transport and agriculture.

In this case, according to the Greenpeace, twenty-one percent of the energy spent on viewing by users of the World Wide Web streaming video. Sitting at the monitor and contemplated popular videos on the site “YouTube” or movies in online cinemas, few people think that his actions can be fatal to nature. With those who prefers to download videos rather than watch them from pages sites provoke hardly less energy costs resources, and sometimes large.

In part, more and more large providers are beginning to realize that there is not enough electricity, therefore they come to the decision to engage introduction of alternative energy sources. By the way, by this now Google is working hard, and not just it. However such solitary attempts will obviously not be enough to save our The earth.

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