Interesting about the Shnobelevskaya winners Prizes 2017

Interesting about the winners of the Shnobel Prize 2017Photo from open sources

Award ceremony held at Harvard University laureates of the Ig Nobel Prize, which is witty in Russia called Shnobelevskaya. The winners presented the awards Nobel laureates.

The Shnobel Prize Committee has existed for 27 years, invented these are all comedians of Annals of Incredible Research (Annals of Improbable Research), and such a prize is awarded for the most absurd inventions in any field of science.

A photo from open sources

For example, one of the winners of this year’s Nobel Prize became the British explorer James Heathcote (James Heathcote), which, as his more reasonable colleagues noted, is finally answered Little Red Riding Hood why her grandmother had such big ears. It turns out that in all old people the ears increase with age – approximately 0.2 millimeters. James heathcote determined that ears “pulls” gravity. He came to this conclusion by examining hundreds of patients from thirty to ninety years old. True, prove that big ears allow you to hear better – and could not …

A photo from open sources

A whole group of scientists from the USA were awarded the Shnobel Prize, Canada, Switzerland, Holland (Otto Braendli, Christian Lo Cascio, Alfred Zahn, Alex Suarez, Milo Puhan, Markus Heitz), which suggested treating snoring with an Australian musical pipe Aboriginal – didgeridoo. The result is obvious: in four months daily breath for half an hour, the patient begins to snore much smaller and quieter.

A photo from open sources

Another team of scientists from the USA, Singapore and France under the leadership of Marc-Antoine Fardin (Marc-Antoine Fardin) proved that cats are liquid. Because they also easily take up volume any vessel (suitable in size). This is evidenced by numerous examples and photographs of these people’s favorites, and now also published scientific work entitled “On the rheology of seals.”

Jiwon Han (Jivon Han) from South Korea, as he himself admitted, still student began to look for a way to bring the most secure hot coffee to the workplace. And only this year Researchers dawned on – it is necessary while backing away. Need to say, that this is not the first in-depth study of this “world problem”. In 2012, the Russian scientist Ruslan received the Schnobel Prize Krechetnikov, however, by that time had long been working in the field Canadian science (apparently, from here and such insights). So here he is (and not one, but in collaboration with the American Hans Meyer) set: coffee, when you carry it, splashes due to uneven steps. The deepest thought!

Another group of scientists (something this time they rushed deserve the Shnobel Prize in bulk) from Spain, Italy, Great Britain (Ilaria Bufalari, Matteo Martini, Salvatore Maria Aglioti, Maria Antonietta Stazi) made a truly global discovery: it turns out not only outsiders, but the twins themselves are confused each other in a friend. For example, they cannot be absolutely accurate. identify in a photo or video where they are, and where are their brothers or sisters.

A photo from open sources

And this invention, also awarded the Ig Nobel Prize, even already found consumers, but because this drug called Babypod can be purchased at pharmacies in Spain, as it came up with a group of Spanish scientists. We all probably know that the fetus is in the womb he hears mothers, and therefore loves good music. So spanish the researchers came up with a musical apparatus that is being introduced directly inside, thanks to which the fetus, in their opinion, smiles wider, listening to music in this way …

In this short article, we simply cannot consider everything inventions and all awards of the Great Schnobel Prize, especially since although I want to laugh at all this for a short time: suddenly why getting so sad …

Russia USA

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