A photo from open sources Before the advent of paper money coins led to great inconvenience. When in 1748 M.V. Lomonosov was given a prize of 2,000 rubles in coins, it turned out that the premium weighed about a ton. Lomonosov needed to hire several carts. Indian banknotes always have pin punctures in the left field. They arise because in this country It is customary to booklet banknotes in bundles. They used to be stitched by threads. In the capital of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, a special bank for women. Here, all employees and customers are women. This gives the opportunity for women to participate in economic life without disturbing requirements of Islam. The United States has a law that prohibits making copies of payment documents. In 1893 was the artist who depicted in his painting was arrested and fined three American banknotes in full detail. Bureau of Engraving and prints make special issues for wealthy collectors: sheets uncut banknotes with 4 to 32 cash signs. Such sheets are officially sold at a price higher than their own. denominations and come out in limited quantities. Most unusual a case of counterfeiting money happened in Peru: banknotes printed prisoners in one of the prisons. When it came to trial, judges were in a predicament: all the criminals were already convicted for life. The most famous robbery of the XX century was attack in England on a train carrying money that happened August 7, 1963. Extraction amounted to 2 631 684 pounds. By the way, all the robbers were eventually caught and sentenced to different deadlines. The highest collection price of banknotes, eligible for circulation, has a 1934 US banknote face value of 10,000 dollars. Catalogs value such a sign, being in bank safety, at 30 thousand dollars. The most Germany experienced the terrible inflation in history. After the first world war to pay off debts, the German government became print unsecured money, and immediately the cost of paper stamps crawled down. In less than two years, from 1922 to 1923, prices in Germany soared to unattainable heights. For example, price German postage stamp has grown from 20 pfennigs to 500 billion stamps. In 2004, the largest US corporations obtained State Treasury right to place their dollars advertising. They are already hunting for money with advertising texts collectors.
Germany Money Peru USA