Photo from open sources
We have repeatedly written about the technologies of the past, which are difficult can be explained: or is it some kind of miracle, for example, an alien (as defined by ufologists), or humanity has completely lost some knowledge that far exceeded modern. For example, preserved photographs of the 19th century demonstrate a wide the use of the mysterious energy that illuminated homes moved ships, trams, cars …
This can be traced even through widespread use. staves instead of modern welding of metal structures and products. Moreover, the welding technology in the XIX century was already known, but she was apparently considered less effective. Artifacts of the time inherited to us, confirm this. With the help of rivets then fastened literally everything (buildings, bridges, ships, pipes, various equipment), and put them as easily as nails get hammered into the tree.
A photo from open sources
The rivets were different in size, but they were all different from contemporary in that they were not driven in with a hammer or a press, as in XX century (and now too), but somehow swam to places connections, even in the most inaccessible places. Rivets themselves of that time were not made of softer metal, as often Now, they were steel. Therefore, the connections on these rivets were much more reliable and durable than modern ones welded.
A photo from open sources
Pay attention to photographs of the past – around rivets, e.g. on a pontoon (Egypt, photo above), on a pipeline (USA, photo below). There are thousands, if not millions, of all these rivets. ideal size and, most importantly, perfect fit to metal surface. Today, such a connection can reach only with a riveted CNC press. But he has a serious drawback is the complexity and high cost of such process, you can’t apply it everywhere. Not to mention serious vibration and noise …
A photo from open sources
How in the distant past, people easily and simply set rivets almost anywhere? Pay attention to old pictures (note, there are very few of them, the erasure of the story was total), where the riveter’s working moment is fixed. He uses some kind of a tool to which either a wire or an armored hose fits. Apparently, this device melted the rivets tightly putting it in the connection hole. The riveter himself is not neither an assistant was needed, nor the great expenditure of time and energy for such work (again, rivets were put as easily as nails in tree).
A photo from open sources
And here again the main thing pops up – the mysterious energy of the past. A closer look at the riveter tool meticulous researchers have found that it is very similar to the fantastic vajra that we know more as the weapons of the gods, capable of incinerating an entire city in no time. That is the principle the secret of mysterious energy is the same. It turns out in the XIX century this the principle was known and used everywhere, and mainly in peaceful purposes.
Where did the energy come from for the functioning of such vajras? If, again, turn to pictures of the past (not all of them succeeded destroy, hide), then you can pay attention to the domed installations (see, for example, the photo below – from the technical exhibition that time).
A photo from open sources
It is difficult for us to understand why and how the energy of the past at the turn XIX-XX century was subjected to total destruction and oblivion, after of which the riveting technology has sunk into oblivion. Why easy and effective vajra replaced bulky hydraulic fixtures that are no longer capable of riveting so easily and simply anywhere, and therefore not received wide distribution.
About the mysterious energy of the past today on the Internet you can to find a lot of materials, watch at least a video about the trams of the kings. Where did they come from in the 19th century? ..