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The world wide computer network system is considered very young. It seems that the Internet appeared in our homes only yesterday, however, today the United Nations has already recognized access to Networking is an inalienable human right. This means that every resident Earth must be able to access the World Wide Web and using it on your own if he, of course, doesn’t violates the universal laws.
All of us are aware of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, incorporating the most important permissions to the behavior of any individual that have been developed during a long history the existence of our civilization. This declaration lists fundamental rights of every inhabitant of the planet, for example, the right to life, the right to dignity of the person, the right to housing, the right to education, the right to health, the right to integrity property, right to freedom of religion, right to freedom words and so on. Now this list has been replenished with the right to access The Internet.
Last Friday, a regular meeting of the UN on rights the person on whom the relevant resolution was adopted. On the the meeting condemned states in which citizens fully or access to the World Wide Web is partially prohibited. According to Presidents of the UN General Assembly, in our time this issue especially relevant because for many people the Internet has become indispensable part of personal life, and any limitations web surfing bring the average web user significant discomfort, moral and material damage.
A photo from open sources
Thus, the United Nations decided that the rights people connected to the internet should be followed exactly the same as well as his rights related to real life, especially since in our time virtual and physical reality increasingly penetrate into each other.
Russia, recognizing the human right to the Internet, opposes permissiveness on the web
It is worth noting that the adopted resolution, by and large, bears only advisory in nature, without obliging any countries to to anything. However, many journalists have already called this decision by the beginning of a whole new era in world legal system.
Most states voted in favor of this fateful resolution. Among her opponents were South African Republic, Saudi Arabia, India, China and Russia.
A photo from open sources
However, this does not mean at all that these countries, including ours, oppose freedom of access to the Web. For example, in the Russian Federation there law requiring providers to block sites that distribute information on suicide methods calling for terrorism and so Further. In many other countries, there are no such restrictions, so no it is not surprising that Russia intends to defend its citizens from similar web resources, voted against the full freedom online.
The following provisions were included in the adopted resolution: freedom self-expression on the World Wide Web, right to protection from cybercriminals on the web, privacy Internet users and some others.
Time Life Russia