“iPhone” provoked ants “dance of death”

Photo from open sources

On the famous video hosting “YouTube” appeared amazing a record that quickly caught the attention of the site’s regulars and for a few days gathered half a million views.

Published video contains ant colony reaction to working “iPhone”. At first, when the “apple” smartphone was in standby mode, insects behaved as usual, however it was worth gadget ring how among the ants the real thing started insanity.

The insects instantly formed a ring around the phone and became run fast. Commentators called this behavior “dance death. “It is worth recalling that the ant colony is moving thanks to chemical signals. Insects spread pheromones and, taking them from relatives, they understand in which direction all follow. Such a collective mind is one of the most amazing natural wonders.

Sometimes it happens that a chemical signal becomes wrong and the ants are forced to move unnecessary to them direction. Most often, this is exactly the same ring as in the video below. Scientists still can’t say exactly why in a harmonious insects work similar failures. There are times when the ants involved in the “dance of death” have been circling for so many weeks, dying as a result of hunger.

Perhaps in the case of a smartphone with insects turned on affected by the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the gadget. IN In any case, such behavior cannot be called normal. Is worth think about the dangers of mobile electronics represents for living organisms. Including for a person …

Insects Smartphones

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