Is Bormann the man of Stalin? Mystery of the High Priest The Third Reich and The Three Castes Theory

Bormann is Stalin's man? Secret of the High Priest of the Third Reich and The Three Castes TheoryA photo from open sources

General Reinhard Gehlen (1902 – 1980) in Nazi Germany He served in the General Staff, and in the Democratic Republic of Germany he created the intelligence service of Germany, and led it until his retirement in 1968. In his book memoirs “Service” he writes: “… Once after a long conversation we with Canaris (head of intelligence in the Nazi Germany – Note. A.M.) came to the conclusion that the Soviet Union has well-informed source of information directly in circles top German leadership. Repeatedly and independently from each other friend, we found that in the shortest possible time the enemy found out in detail about the conversations that took place in ruling circles of Germany, and the actions taken there … … Here I want to end the silence of one secret, carefully preserved which is interested in the Soviet country and which is the key to one of the most mysterious affairs of our century. It’s about fatal the role that in the last years of the war and shortly after it played Hitler’s closest trustee is Martin Bormann. Already before the start War Bormann worked for the Soviet Union as an informant and consultant. Independently of each other, we established the fact that only Bormann had an uncontrolled radio station. we both also understood that purposeful surveillance of the most an influential member of the Nazi hierarchy after Hitler in this the moment was completely ruled out. Any negligence would mean end of investigation and our own end. Canaris outlined to me his suspicions and assumptions and made conclusions regarding Bormann’s traitorous motives. The possibility of blackmail Canaris didn’t exclude, however, he considered it most probable that Bormann was driven by excessive ambition and complexes, and ultimately Reichslater’s calculations one day to take a place Hitler’s. Dexterity with which Bormann managed to undermine confidence Hitler to his rivals Goering and Goebbels, was known to us. My own conclusions were confirmed after 1946, when I got the opportunity to investigate mysterious circumstances Bormann’s escape from Hitler’s bunker in Berlin and his disappearance. Statements repeatedly popping up in the international press that Bormann lives in an impenetrable jungle between Paraguay and Argentina, guarded by heavily armed bodyguards, devoid of any grounds … … In the 50s of two information obtained from reliable sources, I was convinced that Martin Bormann lived in conditions the strictest secrets in the Soviet Union. With the capture of Berlin, the former the Reichsleiter went over to the side of the Soviet troops, and later died in Russia … “To the memoirs that became famous, and became famous all of a sudden, there is no trust, because the hidden reason for the “promotion” someone’s memoirs, as it turns out (more on that below in the corresponding chapter on the example of “memoirs” of G. Zhukov and Prince Yusupov, complete fraud) may well be part of a PR campaign for civilization fools the population to the state of puppets, servants. Promoted “Service” in Germany or not, I do not know. In Russia, her they definitely didn’t spin. Whoever I say that Gehlen and Canaris knew that Bormann was a man of Stalin, everyone is amazed. Even people are many reading. Gelen writes that Russia is not profitable for anything to be aware of Bormann. And what is profitable for the Germans? To let the Germans know that the conscience of the nation, in any case, the person in the position of conscience nation turned out to be a traitor? (In the sense that maybe not Borman is a traitor, and the crowd, that is, the rest of the population Germany?) The idea that in any nation there are more traitors than noble people, strange only to the crowd. And for the man Varga everything is clear: this is the whole population of Germany, crowds, traitors, because traitors to the ancestral homeland, traitors to the ancestor – no matter how all of them together sticking out from the Wagnerian Valkyrie. The media of our country is bashful Bormann is called Hitler’s deputy for the party. And not only with us, but wherever everything sacred is trampled upon by the so-called democratic freedom of speech. But really Bormann must be called high priest of the Third Reich. I was convinced to do here digression and explain exactly what I mean by the word “high priest.” It is clear that I do not mean a post. The high priest is a person who is on Varg further than others in his people followed the path of self-consecration. High Priest of the nation (with capital letter) is the extreme opposite of the electorate. what before whether in everyday life the position coincides with the internal human world, then much depends on the era. First of all, the choice magician positions within the hierarchy of traitors depends on goals over a millennial Circle of Heroes for this period. In some historical periods, the heroes must completely withdraw from power, give key posts to bastards – as in our humiliating period Khrushchev, Gorbachev, Yeltsin and others. Because people sometimes Great humiliation is required. Gide’s great self-disclosure required in the eyes of a disagreeable just standing on the Path. Is required a call to the wretched to abandon the “universal values” and ascending on Varg. In other historical periods the high priest, on the contrary, must enter the higher echelons of power – and this is just the case of Bormann. Hitler is a big administrator, man strong mind (read Mine Kampf and see for yourself) and developed intuition. He wanted to choose the position of party deputy a person who believes in all those beautiful words of the best German authors of free will, which gives people only the Way, bequeathed Hitler’s ancestors and with this task of selecting a pure person coped brilliantly. He chose that kind of person – National High Priest Martin Bormann. Man for which his skin was not in first place. The rest of the Germans something not really sacrificed the hide for the sake of Russia, the guardian of the Great Homeland. IN features at the beginning of the war. Only Bormann “dropped out of the nest” (BRMN – “brahmin”). Alas, not one can find materials about Bormann, none of waiting hierarchies not interested in the truth about Bormann and even mention of his name. The method of simple considerations remains. He gives many. For example, it leads to the question: what did under Stalin, already in Russia, this noble mind of Germany was engaged in? Well, not checkers he played with himself! This is an expert on the cult of the Ancestors! The Russian crowds alone are unfavorable for the truth about Varg and Bormann? Oh to whom, and the Germans, the crowds should be bitter to realize that their spiritual high priest, the real one, worked for Stalin as Hitler, the enemy of the Germans, told them. Demand begets supply. IN after some year the leaders of post-war Germany announced that they discovered the skeleton of Bormann. That is, to no Russia Bormann in the last days of the war did not get over. Worked to order large a team of German experts – and they are peremptory to the crowds stated: for sure, Bormann’s skeleton was found. However subsequently it turned out that Bormann was breaking his collarbone, and at the discovered skeleton there are no traces of a collarbone fracture. So it remains to conclude that the discovered skeleton belongs to Bormann before he broke collarbone. Well, just like a joke about the museum of Vasily Ivanovich, in which were displayed the father of Vasily Ivanovich, the saber of Vasily Ivanovich, the skeleton of the beloved horse Vasily Ivanovich, the skeleton of himself Vasily Ivanovich, recovered from the bottom of the river, as well as the skeleton of Vasily Ivanovich when he was six years old. Flock demand is strength. And the demand begets a sentence. In Russia, too, with those interested in spreading the knowledge of the German high priest among Judicial officials cannot be found. Take the period Khrushchev. If the smartest people on the planet, including Bormann, are risking life, stood around Stalin wall, and Khrushchev with the bastards acted against, then who is Khrushchev? And then who was Bormann, if he is with the traitors of the motherland on opposite sides of the barricades? A noble person, a person? And what is it all about: a traitor Homeland? And what is it: ancestral home? What is the Great Ancestor? But it includes the basic instinct of the crowds: fear of the Court Eternity, by the Court of Justice. Americans, especially Borman should be drowned in silence or, according to a centuries-old habit deeply believing Christians, drown him in lies and slander. So it turns out that it’s no coincidence that finding information about Bormann is not succeeds anywhere in the world. But the second man after Hitler! is he was responsible for the noble beginning in the German. Not found in the media. But there is method of simple considerations – I wrote about it when I talked about the period of my life when I, Russian, was the son-in-law of the chief rabbi. In essence, for such a powerful tool as the simple considerations are quite enough for us and the few information that Bormann is known from Helen. First, we know that actions Bormann were not typical. In other words, Bormann is a person with “deviant” behavior. Nazi sadists and bastards ko Hitler’s defeat realized that their spiritual brothers are not in Russia with Stalin, but in a democratic world. Americans are not yet destroyed the Vietnamese villages with the entire population, not yet burned vietnamese napalm children, American democrat not yet bombed little Serbia because the military “seemed” that potato fields are the mass graves of the victims of the Serbs (and in vain it seemed, later it turned out that it was still simple potato fields), and the Nazi freaks already realized that their spiritual the brothers are Christian Americans. But Stalin was all these freaks alien. Made from some other dough. And here is the noble Bormann, opposite to the executioners, who relate to the Path of the Ancestors with fear and horror, recognized for his Stalin. Bormann acted disinterestedly – there were such people in England, the same Cambridge group, for example, selflessly worked for Stalin. When the strongest intuitive Hitler chose Western Europe from the entire population of Germany a person who is more suitable than others for the role of high priest The cult of the Ancestors, then chose not from those Germans who, over time, even the initial slogans of the Path of the Ancestors betrayed, and Bormann. Already someone, but Borman did not betray the Way of the Ancestors. Bormann followed the star of the Ancestors as none of the Germans – at least those of them on hearing. All of these details suggest a high degree of that Bormann was a high priest not only in office, but also in creature. But even if the quoted text of Gehlen is nothing more than fantasies of professional intelligence and counterintelligence, then fantasy This is not accidental and is useful and important for discussion. Even a notion reflects variants of reality, albeit hidden before time. They come up with not everything in a row, but only what is – in dreams, in secret, with the opposite sign. Simply put, Canaris also knew that on Nazi Germany in the Soviet Union worked a certain person. Traitor to the ancestral home. Jew. The nature. The person in the USSR is very significant. Because Canaris guessed about the second person inside The Third Reich. The Great Shaman Cannot Be Fooled – Stalin on the “Mole” inside the USSR he knew and used this convenient tool as a lever to achieve the goals of the Circle of Heroes. It can even be assumed that Stalin artificially made this man big – making him unnecessary position. Or the right one. According to this take the name of the Traitor can be calculated. In particular, the Jews must ascribe victory to him The war. I know this name – but not the book about it. Symmetry of the topic “mole” in Germany and Russia should consist in recruiting only the second person makes sense. From one hundred and first person a little sense. Jida – for the money, but the real German, the German high priest of the cult Ancestors life would be ready to put for the ancestral home in general, for Great-ancestor in general, for the High Priest of the planet in particular, disinterestedly. Communist Party of the Soviet Union by the 90s, developed according to the principles laid down by Khrushchev, consisted of shit. As soon as the financial recharge pockets stopped party members, they immediately betrayed their soul in deeds. Of the 14 million party members remained faithful to the ideas of the brotherhood only 180 thousand old people. And even the Way of Stalin, the Great Magus, is not interesting. The same, if not worse, proportions were in the party of Hitler – a sea of ​​crap and a few pearls. Bormann, judging by his deeds, was one of those pearls. It really mattered to him. what he was talking about: the path of the Heroes, Virgo, Wagner, Aryans, ancestral home. Generally speaking, surprisingly important patterns of life are revealed upon reflection that the high priest of the Third Reich is not he only recognized the forebear, but risked his life so that he help, and disinterestedly. There are real high priests, but there are fake high priests. Bullshit high priests are just chief administrators in religious organizations: waved his hand – and the ordinary priest ran to fulfill. And grassroots crowds too. By You will know them by their works. Real National High Priests – the exact opposite of their people. Moral opposite. This is a general rule for, alas, all nations. The true high priest is the conscience of the nation. Real high priest forced to hide under a mask – otherwise he would be torn to pieces, as once torn to pieces Christ. Nevertheless: you will know them by their deeds. People from the castes of the saints of Vairgin Stalin are not able to comprehend, therefore they hate him, they feel fear towards him and horror, in a repressed state indifference, but the high priests any people are happy at the thought that Stalin was, and is, and dissolved in the future. Bormann was a real high priest of the Germans. In essence, a Hero. White shaman. Was and is – and will rise again. So, the “strange” behavior of the high priest of the Third Reich brings us to three caste theory – in which justice the reader can make sure anywhere in our planet. On the condition, of course, that on this territory has at least one objectionable – for comparison. Every theory is designed to explain oddities. Oddities are events which do not fit into that theory of cause and effect relationships, on which we, as if on a stake, were planted by civilizers. Why the high priest of the Third Reich risked his life, and, moreover, disinterestedly, to join the affairs of Stalin? Why all sorts of Khrushchev, to whom Stalin gave everything, betrayed Stalin, poisoned and lied? Why are the high priests of different nations (from the Germans – Bormann from gypsies – Gypsy Baro, from Jews – the real main rabbi, from Tuva – the supreme shaman of Tuva, in general, all shamans are only those about whom I write in this book) Stalin worships, and cattle afraid of the same peoples from the late Stalin even a shadow? Theory of Three castes is an extension of the theory of the pack. The lower third caste, the doctrine of three castes will simply offend. The reader in life, true, noticed that the theme of genius is simply enraging to servants. Just the topic itself. To the crowds like flattery, only they believe in false flattery. Crowds are very like to believe in that fantasy that every genius was not with finer nervous organization, a consequence of wider outlook on life, but just insane. (Say, but they, dumbasses who get the right to look at geniuses from above – healthy, perfection itself!) Here and the Jewess Lambroso with his the degenerative theory of genius and insanity recall just like the Germans remember the skeleton of Bormann when he was six years old. So, the truth of life is this: living conditions for all alone, for the planet is one, if limited to one people, then one language, but within the people there is a stratification into three castes, representatives of which do not understand each other. They live in three different worlds – three different value systems, three different horizons. Fates in eternity are not three, but two are opposite. Three castes essence: crowds, black kams and white kams. Synonyms of the word “mob”: servants, puppets, performers, servants, crowds, cretins, freaks, morons, mass man, cattle, shit, electorate. Synonyms of the term “black kam”: “knowing” the bear, lucky entrepreneurs, bosses, charismatic leaders, bright necrophiles. Synonyms of the term “white cam”: dislike, vairgins, thinking, national high priests (true chief rabbis, great shamans, real patriarchs, baro, etc.); know the world the wolf; in alchemy, the king exposed from the garments of sin; gold, purified by the “wolf”; the sun; happy owners of critical thinking. The differences in worldviews of all three castes can be shown on an example. Dukes (electorate, mass people) believe that for in order to become president, a favorite of the people, you have to be very good, smart, able to organize a business better than others, etc. – for this reason, the electorate in the elections will prefer this and even will love. Say, people are looking for benefits, not opportunities to grumble, hiding from the foreknowledge of the Court. But analysis of the path to power alone only Hitler shows that for the love of the people is much more important so that the chosen one of the people is cussed and pissed by random women, literally – and the electorate will idolize such a shit (more than love). Great humiliation turns into great power – this is how all the big bosses live, whose property has waved their hand – and the crowds ran to fulfill. This is ancient knowledge about the real image. life of a democratic society. Tolpar uses only textual methods of collecting information. (This book is about non-text ways). It is written – and that’s it. But the opposite is also possible. the structure of society – white-shaman, Volkhov. Ritual killings wolves (as the Romanovs did in the Ramon manor, about this chapter the next volume) – the same sacrilegious magic as defecation on Hitler women. The highest caste, the white kams, naturally know that human hierarchies are built on and out of shit, on top Kuchi – “the chosen people.” Consistent with this knowledge and reach goals of the Circle of Heroes, and always win, because it focuses on life is better than all others. The lower third caste is doomed to be managed – because he lives in a fantasy based on flattery. Not they are guided in life. In particular, the cattle believes that it always prefers shit (remember how you kicked with screams “Yeltsin!”) – so it supposedly “just makes a mistake.” Systematic way, however. They believe that it is “mistaken” each time “by accident.” Say, good people are deceived by bad renegades. Leaders too live in fantasy, but in a different manner than cattle. They have such an experience. life, which is not in the life of cattle: they waved a hand – and cattle here but ran, naturally, in that direction, where they waved. Leaders to this the reactions of the electorate are getting used to, a different way of life from the grassroots crowd develops by itself – from here they involuntarily build corresponding worldview. Usually in this picture of the world, everyone the leader is doomed to see himself chosen by God. Inside one or another “new religion. “This idiocy is their retribution for the lack of love for Truth. You have to pay for everything. In this belief in their “chosenness” (by this they and explain that the people flee to where they wave) and concluded the weak spot of the leaders – and whip, with which they can manage both the super leader and the magus. Higher caste (white kams, Magi) do not possess, contrary to the leaders, suppressing the will crowds with energy. If the white cam waved, then the electorate in the right side will not run. But the white kams are not crowds. They are capable go through the gates to Vorg, and, as a result, can be manipulated leaders – for example, knowing how to see the future, organize lighthouses, and the leader, in order to maintain a sense of God’s chosenness, will do as prompted by those exposed to him lighthouse traps. A state can be built from all three castes or only from the lower two. The lower ones are leaders and crowds. Such the state will then behave like, say, Bulgaria. On the The strongest appeared in the East – heels scratching the eastern gentleman. Appeared in the West – heels to scratch the western. But can happen so that at the head of state decides to stand a real national high priest. Or even the planetary High Priest. Here arises a paradox that is not immediately understood even by those who understand over the years capable of. Crowds cannot be changed: they will run as fast as they can then, when the bastard gives the go-ahead, the suppressing, bright necrophile, hypnotist. Otherwise, crowds cannot. The true High Priest crowds can only betray, slander, and even kill. Exactly therefore, between Stalin and the masses there should have been bastards like Khrushchev. The people love this. Bastards who as soon as they provided the opportunity, the Master, and most importantly, the Hero, was poisoned. And he kept them on an iron leash: just a little – to the camp. Or simply rotation to not stick. With the participation of all three castes in power there can be only one scheme: the Master-High Priest – the Khrushchevs – crowds. And dislike next to the hierarchy, built on such scheme, mastered the Dead Road of the Spirit in observatories at comet seekers, in geodetic expeditions, hunting foxes, working with the Stakhanovites, feeding the midge on the Tunguska dump, making feats (in the ordinary sense of the word) and getting Stalinist orders. Already to someone, namely the disagreeable under Stalin created all conditions for climbing the Cross of the Virgin. About this significant part of the book. If the ruler does not support Varga, then no matter how zealously the Kremlin man did not make himself a saint, in fact in fact, he is ordinary bullshit. “Fertilizer” in life, fertilizer will become and after death. Castes are also divided by their attitude to youth. Who not was stupid, he was not young. Vairgin loves wisdom and welcomes maturity and death – as the greatest opportunity for creation in eternity. He was deprived of wisdom in stupid youth. A man the stomach recalls youth with a sigh and with a tear – oh, they say, how good it was. And death meets, of course, with fear of The Last Judgment of Justice. Here is a theory of three castes. There are many consequences and each effect is beautiful, worthy of contemplation. AND this is not considering that the comprehension of any consequence fills with force to the war victory. Let me remind you what the theory of three should have explained. castes: why the German high priest of the Third Reich was ready for life put for Stalin, and the crowds Russish schwein, which are obliged to Stalin the preservation of biological life, one’s own and those close to oneself, even a boulder, left from the time of the Great Ancestor in memory of the descendants of the Circle of Heroes, not consecrate. And all because some make up the highest caste, and others are inferior. And the attitude towards Stalin is only a consequence caste membership. One among strangers, one among strangers … So, attitude to Stalin is dictated exclusively by the level of development: the mob and the zadoliz boss are afraid and terrified or took refuge in seeming indifference, and for the magi even novice dislike object for contemplation. The practical conclusion of this part of the book is as follows: success left our country with the death of Stalin. Not because he died, but because the Circle of Heroes was offended by traitors. The Great Magi there is a posthumous life. And until at the state level this scolding will continue, there will be no success. Even though we are global we’ll sell all our minerals to the Jews kilometers in depth – there will be no sense. Whatever is achieved – everything equally, they could enjoy even greater success. A.Menyaylov. “Stalin: the secrets of the Valkyries”

War Time Germany Life Russia Stalin USSR Shamans

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