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Four years ago, a little girl from Holland survived severe surgery due to neuroinfection (diagnosis – “syndrome Rasmussen “): she was removed the left hemisphere of the brain, in which, as before until now, it was thought that there are speech centers. Today baby it amazes professional doctors by having perfectly mastered two languages and studies the third. Girl talking to her sister on perfect Dutch for his age, and communicates with his mother in Turkish. It turns out that the right hemisphere is successful compensated for the function of the left. Dr. Johannes Borgstein, observing a little Dutchwoman, said that he had already advised his students forget all the neurophysiological theories that they study and will still study. Such cases are very rare, but not single. For example, last fall I went to school again 14-year-old Christina Santhouse from the USA – after the same operation, made 6 years ago, she fully preserved her intellect and memory. So, the human brain remains to this day the mysterious part of our body, like a hundred, like a thousand years ago. Brain capabilities go far beyond modern materialistic ideas about what a person is capable of as biological creature. In many cases, amazing abilities brain manifest after traumatic brain injury when it turns out some of its parts are damaged, which leads to hypercompensation in the form of incredible opportunities shown by man. Can to say that such a person is disabled. And you can say that just we still know very little about the reserves hidden in us. For example, in Clinical death can permanently “lose sleep.” So, according to the Russian journalist Igor Tsarev, at present A complete lack of sleep is distinguished by Yakov Zeperovich from Minsk. IN At the age of 26, he experienced a clinical death: from drunk wine he felt so bad that his friends had to call an ambulance. Doctors brought Jacob back to life, but a completely different person. Zeperovich felt in himself a huge physical strength, his temperature body dropped to 34 degrees, and most importantly – he completely stopped sleep. “I have a condition as if there is no time at all, – says Zeperovich. – I do not feel the past years. It feels like that lasts the same day without breaks and gaps. To me it seems that my life will go on forever. “But the case from another row. In 1989, American neurosurgeon W. Bruwell co 29-year-old James was operated on by his student Dr. Michael Albi Cordella, who complained of severe headaches. A patient just defended his doctoral dissertation in economics and law in Harvard University. He suspected a brain tumor, but when they did the tomography, it became clear that the patient was completely the right brain is missing. No one can still explain how this person lived for so many years, and besides he managed defend a thesis! In any case, the brain shows amazing plastic. He is able to suffer injuries that doctors considered deadly. In 1879, she suffered a terrible brain injury. woman working at the mill. Accidentally hit the mill mechanism a big bolt and popped out of there like a bullet, hitting a woman’s forehead just at the hairline above the right eye. The bolt pierced the skull, sank pieces of bone inside and sat down at a depth of ten centimeters. Part brain was lost at the time of the accident, as well as during bolt removal operations. Hopes for a favorable outcome were few, and yet the woman not only did not lose consciousness, but neither she felt unwell: she didn’t even have headaches! After she lived for another 42 years of this incident! In 1857, New York the sailor was sandwiched between the lower tier of the bridge’s arch and the above-deck superstructure. The head, and the sharp a bridge beam cut off the upper part of the skull – about one fourth part of the head. The cut began about 5 centimeters above the right eyes. Doctors worked for more than an hour to close a gaping wound, as suddenly the patient opened his eyes and asked what happened. When its like should be bandaged, he sat down. Do not have time to keep the amazed doctors him, as the victim had already risen to his feet and began to dress, no matter how than never happened. The human brain is so amazing that it can “serve” two people at once. It appears at birth Siamese twins. The birth of conjoined twins heads, is a fairly common pathology. It has been known since the 15th century, when in 1495 two girls were born in Germany “in general, noble, but fused from the crown of the head to the forehead and looking at each other. “One of them died at the age of 10. The living was separated from the dead, but she soon followed her sister. Anatomy of one similar creature in the middle of the XIX century in detail described by the embryologist K. Baer. Skulls of twins “fused” in the right frontal area and were slightly deformed. Cavities of both skulls connected through a large hole, and the right lobes of large the hemispheres of the brain had a common part. In 1856, Baer watched alive another pair of the same children and described the features of their appearance and behavior. In 1997, Doctor of Biological Sciences Boris Sergeev reported that a pair of twins connected in the head region thirty years ago, doctors of Leningrad observed. Here’s what about it says the scientist himself: “The Siamese twins Vova and Slava were born in one of the hospitals in Khabarovsk. Their mother at that time was only 28 years, but for her it was already the tenth pregnancy and not the first twins. Apparently, for this reason, she soon lost interest in these to children. At the time of birth, twins, except for union, no no pathology was detected. Children weighed a little over five kilograms, sucked well and felt normal. At nine months they were transferred to the children’s clinic of Leningradsky Institute of Neurosurgery A.L. Polenova. The twins had two heads fused with the parietal parts, and two faces separated by a narrow the edge of the hair. There was no clear boundary between their heads, but the hair on each of them they grew in their own direction, and only at the junction goals their direction became uncertain. With special a study of the children’s fused brain revealed a certain pathology like the presence of brain cysts, expansion of the ventricles of the brain and the underdevelopment of some of its departments. Nonetheless significant brain disturbances were not observed, and that seemed especially important, each brain functioned independently, independently of the other. It gave hope for the opportunity operational separation of children. However, a single blood supply system the fused brain found during the examination, sharply reduced a chance for a favorable outcome of the operation. Interestingly, with a clear separate functioning of the twin brain revealed congenital reflexes that when triggered by only one child “worked” in both children … Even in the early years of the twins’ lives, careful the study of their fused organism gave little hope for the possibility successful operational separation of babies. Later consultation neurosurgeons concluded that an attempt to separate the twins from with the aim of preserving the lives of both children would doom them to death. There was only a chance to ensure a full life for one of them for account of the death of another. But which of the doctors would have raised her hand? The twins remained in the clinic. Once one of the boys is hard got sick. It was not possible to save the second … “However, the most surprising is the fact that a person can live without brain. So, in one of the English hospitals, 26-year-old Mary Clark gave birth to a completely healthy baby, no different from thousands other babies passing through the arms of obstetricians. However after five days, the child died suddenly. An autopsy showed that the baby did not there was a brain! This case is far from the only one. In 1935 in New York in St. Vicente’s hospital was born another one of the same kid. His behavior was no different from the behavior of others. newborns – he ate, defecated and voted when appropriate. This the infant lived twenty-seven days. Before the autopsy, the causes of death were unknown. As it turned out, the baby’s head was whitish liquid and nothing more. And here are a few cases that generally look like unscientific fiction. In 1940, doctors in Bolivia examined a 14-year-old boy. He was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis “brain tumor”. The patient remained unconscious and was completely rational. until his death, he only complained of a severe headache. When doctors performed an autopsy, then discovered an incredible pathology: the brain mass was completely separated from the internal cavity cranial box, and a huge abscess captured the cerebellum. Famous German professor Hoofland also tells of such a case. He spent post-mortem dissection of the cranium of a patient who is short until the death broke paralysis. Until the very last minute, this patient retained mental abilities. The result of an autopsy led professors are confused because instead of the brain in the cranial a box of the deceased revealed only 300 grams of water! Similar pathology was discovered at autopsy of 55-year-old Dutchman Jan Gerling, who died in 1976. Relatives were outraged information from doctors. She seemed to them insulting, because Ian was one of the best watchmakers in the country! “INTERESTING NEWSPAPER” №53
Life time