Is the man descended from a rat?

Did the man descend from a rat?A photo from open sources

The theory that humans descended from monkeys took so long dominant in science, today many are questioned. AND the main role in the emergence of such doubts belongs to geneticists, who claim: the genetic code of monkeys has nothing to do with what human cells carry within themselves.

At the same time, if the human race appeared on Earth, then among the creatures that inhabit it must also be our “gene relatives.” Surprisingly, rats turned out to be so “dear”.

However, long before the discovery of geneticists, psychologists noticed much in common between the social behavior of people and the way rat flock organized. Sometimes this similarity is just amazing!

Rats are smart, smart, quickly learn new things and apply acquired skills. Each community is commanded by a strong male, having a harem of females and a couple of “deputies” who are several inferior to the dominant in strength. Those below are disenfranchised pariahs, they do not even rely on their own nests. Right in order to have a female, this is a reward from the authorities for rats. It is noteworthy that the leader himself is so preoccupied with the statement own power, that he doesn’t even have time for females, and those fertilized by “substitutes.”

In ancient times, humanity lived according to similar laws, although subsequently in the legends this life was somewhat embellished and ennobled. However, the principle was that brutally crush subordinates and no less mercilessly destroy strangers.

The same genetics claim that a person in its modern form was supposed to appear about 200 thousand years ago, although accepted consider that the “age” of mankind is five times less. There is everything reason to believe that our history is much more ancient and the ancestor of man was a semi-aquatic animal (confirmation of this are ancient legends and the very structure of man, in particular his genitalia), which has come a long way to upright ground homo sapiens.

By the way, there is even an opinion that modern rats (with certain conditions) may well mutate and seize power on Earth, starting to build his new civilization.

A photo from open sources

Rat Time

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