A photo from open sources
With what deviations people are not born! Such the statement fully applies to eye defects that are not only slanted or of different colors (this is not so bad!), but without proteins, without an iris and even with two pupils.
The Pupula duplex, or double pupil, is almost the rarest phenomenon, its description is not even in modern medical literature. Therefore, there are no reliable facts of the presence of people with such anomaly. However, there is speculation that people may born with such a deviation.
This assumption is based on a legend that at the end of the 10th century BC n e. lived a Chinese statesman Liu Ch’ung (Liu Chun), who suffered from the disease The Pupula duplex. This, judging by everything did not stop him from holding a high post and becoming famous for his wisdom. Unfortunately, the ancient manuscripts do not describe itself the disease and how much it prevents a person from perceiving the surrounding world.