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If you analyze all the cases when people are in the balance from death, but they are somehow saved from it by some miracle, then it’s possible to believe in the existence of a guardian angel, even if not particularly a believer.
I remember my grandfather, an ardent Soviet atheist who has passed four years at the forefront in World War II, talking about surprising cases on her, he said: God is not God, but something is still is, because individual episodes are simply impossible to explain coincidence or human logic. For example, at forty first, the driver and I flew on a lorry along a country road under enemy bombing (they were still yellow-handed youths and did not understand that this cannot be done). Suddenly, I clearly see a picture that our car on the next bend covers a bomb. Jump, yelling to the driver, and myself – down from the car. And he managed to jump out – and so they were saved. A literally a few seconds later actually actually blew direct hit bombs to shreds.
Watch the video below how recently one of the stores entered the buyer and, asking the saleswoman about something and pointing her to some goods, almost made the girl move to the left. After which, the place where the saleswoman had just stood falls a huge, very heavy refrigerator, which, if not even killed, then badly crippled the girl. Is this not an extra confirmation what was said above?
Especially a lot of videos about the miraculous rescue of people on roads, because today many cars are installed auto-registrars – they also take these amazing shots, confirming that someone, as they say, was born in a shirt, and someone is certainly a strong guardian angel.
Especially a lot of videos about the miraculous rescue of people on roads, because today many cars are installed auto-registrars – they also take these amazing shots, confirming that someone, as they say, was born in a shirt, and someone is certainly a strong guardian angel.
Everyone who is interested in this topic is advised to see wonderful documentary about the miraculous salvation of people. IN it collected dozens of materials showing how God literally us carries on hand through life, so we avoid many tragedies. Surprisingly, people often don’t even notice it. For example, almost every one of us was on the verge of having him knocked out an eye. The eyes of a person are generally the Achilles’ heel, which practically not protected by anything. But why in this case the one-eyed people in the world unit? Is this not a miracle and not a confirmation that does the guardian angel stand behind everyone?
And finally, we suggest you watch a TV show from the studio, where participants were gathered more amazing stories of salvation more eighty passengers of the Tu-154, which five years ago due to an accident he was forced to land in the taiga, which threatened the inevitable disaster and the death of all people. But … suddenly in this remote taiga somehow fantastically revealing quite decent for airplane landing runway – and Tu-154 safely on it is landing.
It turns out that in this remote taiga village called Izhma there was once an airfield that had long been abandoned, but it former boss Sergei Sotnikov is twelve years old in his own way initiative and not knowing why he needed it, courted the runway that ultimately saved lives almost a hundred passengers and crew.
Angels Life Planes