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Even the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, who lived almost two and a half millennia ago, put forward the assumption that our world is not real. FROM the advent of computer technology and the acquisition of virtual reality humanity is increasingly coming to the understanding that a world in which it lives, it can be a simulation of reality – a matrix, and who and why he created it, we are likely to never know.
Is it possible to create a matrix?
Even today, having, for example, the Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer (China) capable of performing nearly one hundred quadrillion calculations in second, in a few days you can simulate several million years of human history. But quantum computers are coming, which will work millions of times faster than today. What are will computers have parameters in fifty, a hundred years?
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Now imagine that a certain civilization has evolved a lot billions of years, and compared to ours, which is only a few thousand is just a newborn baby. Do you think in able to these highly developed creatures create a computer or some other machine that can simulate our world? I think the question of whether it is possible to create a matrix is basically resolved positively.
Who and why would create a matrix?
So, you can create a matrix; even our civilization has come to close to this. But another question arises: who allowed this, since from the point of view of morality this action is not entirely lawfully and justifiably. Suddenly, in this illusory world, something will not go So? Is the creator taking on too much responsibility similar matrix?
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On the other hand, we can assume that we live in a matrix, created, so to speak, illegally – by someone who thus just having fun, and therefore does not even wonder about morality of its virtual game.
There is such a possible option: some kind of highly developed society launched this simulation for scientific purposes, for example, as diagnostic test to find out what and why with real the world went wrong and subsequently rectified the situation.
The matrix is revealed through its flaws
It can be assumed that in the case of sufficiently high-quality simulations of reality no one inside the matrix will even understand that this is – artificial world. But here is the problem: any program, even the most perfect, glitches may appear.
Here we constantly notice them, although we cannot rationally to explain. For example, the effect of deja vu, when it seems to us that we’ve already been living in some kind of situation, but in principle it’s not can. The same applies to many other mysterious facts and phenomena. Let’s say where people disappear without a trace, sometimes right before our eyes with witnesses? Why some stranger suddenly starts to meet us several times a day? Why one person see at the same time in several places? .. Search the Internet: similar cases are described there by thousands. And how many undescribed stored in people’s memory? ..
The matrix is based on math
The world we live in can be represented as binary code. In general, the Universe is better explained mathematically than in verbal language, for example, even our DNA is unraveled with computer during the implementation of the Human Genome project.
It turns out that, in principle, on the basis of this genome, you can create and virtual person. And if it’s possible to build one such a conditional person, it means – and the whole world (the only question is computer power).
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Many researchers of the matrix phenomenon suggest that already created such a world, and this is exactly the simulation in which we you live. Using the same math, scientists are trying determine if this is true. However, while they express just guesses …
Anthropic principle as a matrix proof
Scientists have long been surprised to note that on Earth in some incomprehensible way ideal conditions for life were created (anthropic principle). Even our solar system is unique! At this in the space of the Universe observable by the most powerful telescopes there is nothing more like this.
The question arises: why did these conditions suit us so well? Maybe they are created artificially? For example, in a certain laboratory of universal proportions? .. And maybe there is no Universe and this is immense starry sky – also a simulation?
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Further, on the other side of the model in which we are located, there may be not even people, but creatures whose appearance, structure, condition we hard to imagine. And in this program there may be aliens who are well aware of the conditions of this game or even are its conductors (regulators) – remember the movie “Matrix”. That’s why they are almost omnipotent in this simulations …
The anthropic principle echoes the Fermi paradox, according to which in the infinite universe must exist many worlds like ours. And the fact that we remain alone in this Universe, suggests a sad thought: we are in the matrix, and its creator such a scenario is interesting – “loneliness of the mind” …
Parallel worlds as matrix proof
The multiverse theory – the existence of parallel universes with an infinite set of all kinds of parameters – another indirect matrix proof. Judge for yourself: where did all these come from? universes and what role do they play in the universe?
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However, if we allow a simulation of reality, then many similar worlds is understandable: these are numerous models with different variables needed by the creator of the matrix, say, for testing a particular scenario in order to get the best result.
God created the matrix
According to this theory, our matrix was created by the Almighty, and almost the same way we create virtual reality in computer games: using binary code. Moreover, the Creator does not only simulated the real world, but also invested in the minds of people Creator concept. Hence the numerous religions, and faith in higher strength, and worship of God.
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This idea has its differences in the interpretation of the Creator. Some believe that the Almighty is just a programmer, even the highest level not accessible to man, which, moreover, It has a universal supercomputer.
Others believe that God creates this universe in some other way. in ways, for example, in space or – in our understanding – mystical. In this case, this world is also possible, albeit with a stretch, considered a matrix, but then it is not clear what to consider real world? ..
What is outside the matrix?
Considering the world as a matrix, we naturally wonder question: what is beyond? Supercomputer, surrounded by programmers – creators of numerous matrix software?
However, these programmers themselves may be fake, that is, The Universe can be infinite as wide (many parallel worlds in one program) and in depth (many layers of the simulation itself). This theory was put forward in his time the Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom, who believed that the creatures that created our matrix can be modeled themselves, and the creators of these post-people, in turn, too – and so on infinity. Something similar we see in the movie “Thirteenth floor, “although only two levels of simulation are shown there.
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The main question remains: who created the real world, and in general, does he exist? If not, then who created all these self-contained matrices? Of course, one can argue like this ad infinitum. It’s all one thing to try to understand: if this whole world was created by God, then who created God himself? According to psychologists, persistent reflections on such topics – a direct path to the psychiatric hospital …
The matrix is a much deeper concept
Some researchers have a question: is it worth it at all create all these complex multi-billion dollar matrix programs the number of people, not to mention the vast universes? Maybe all much easier, because each person interacts only with a specific set of people and situations. What if apart from the main a hero, that is, you, all the other people are fakes? It’s not accidentally with certain mental and emotional efforts a person can radically change the world around him. It turns out that either each person has his own world, his own matrix, or each of us is the only player in a single matrix? And this one the only player is you! And even the simulation article that you you read now, there is a program code necessary for your development (or for the game), like everything else that surrounds you.
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Of course, it’s hard to believe in the latter, because in that case there are infinitely many matrices not only in depth and breadth, but also in the infinity of other dimensions that we do not have yet no idea. Of course, you can convince yourself that for all this is worth the superprogrammer. But how then is it different from Almighty? And who is standing over him? No answer, and can he to be?..
Universe DNA Life in a matrix Parallel worlds