Photo from open sources
About 20 years ago, when I was a young specialist in the largest Aeroflot’s world I heard a story a middle-aged Mi-8 helicopter commander at night in a hotel Orenburg Airport. According to him, he used to serve in a separate squadron of border troops – read the KGB of the USSR. And supposedly him the crew participated in the transportation of stone sarcophagi somewhere in Altai or in Transbaikalia, or maybe in Kuzbass, I don’t remember already. What coffins were extracted from great depths from a coal mine. And in the coffins were people. Not mummies, but people as living ones. I objected that coal – a very ancient fossil that people could not get there, they have not yet It was.
But … the pilot claimed that it was true. For many years I forgot this story, considering it folklore. And today I came across article by Oleg Kulishkin. Just like a current burned. Some of the last days I thought how would this material be clothed in such a form, to tell her on the blog and friends did not decide that I was completely crazy. Now the same story, only from a different person. This is completely different business, the stories are different, but clearly about the same event. Means worth considering. This is worthy of publicity, and to call a duck already the bases are not enough. Find at least one other member of this stories. Well now, with a clear conscience, I take off responsibility and publish word for word. Tisulskaya find The name of the hero who told me this story, I will not name. For such revelations in our “free” society, you can freely become proprietary. During my last trip to Moscow, I met on the train a man with a strict, unusually smart face (like Stirlitz). At first he was silent, but the road is long, but the soul of a fellow traveler, as they say, is boiling … It turned out that in front of me is a retired KGB colonel of the USSR, who worked for many years in one of the secret departments. He left the organs in 1991 (not accepted the collapse of the Union). Now retired. Raises a granddaughter. I’m from memory recorded the story of a fellow traveler. I think, in general, I managed to save style of presentation and even some speech turns of the narrator. It happened in early September 1969 in the village of Rzhavchik Tisulskogo district, Kemerovo region. During coal stripping operations, in the core of a twenty-meter a coal seam at a depth of over 70 meters, miner Karnaukhov (subsequently died on a motorcycle under wheels KrAZ) found a two-meter marble casket amazingly precision mechanical work.
At the command of the head of the site Alexander Alexandrovich Masalygina (died in 1980. The official version is a stomach ulcer) all work was immediately stopped. Casket lifted to surface and began to open, hollow at the edges petrified from putty time. Not so much from blows as from exposure solar heat, putty turned into a clear liquid and flowed. One thrill-seeker even tried her tongue (literally a week later went crazy, and in February froze at the door own house). The casket lid was fitted perfectly perfectly. For more durable connection, the inner edges were bordered by a double face, tightly entering the fifteen-centimeter wall thickness. Opening It was a shock to those present. The casket turned out to be a coffin, to the brim filled with pink-blue crystal clear liquid, under spring smooth surface, which rested high (about 180 cm) a slender, unusually beautiful woman – about thirty years old, with subtle European features and large, wide-open blue eyes. Thick dark brown curls with a reddish tint delicate white arms resting along the body slightly covered the belts with short, neatly trimmed nails. She was dressed in a snow-white transparent lace dress just below the knees. FROM short embroidered multi-colored flowers sleeves. Underwear did not have. It seemed that the woman was not dead, but asleep. At the head of the head – black, rectangular, rounded from one edge, metal a box (something like a cell phone), about 25 in size 10 cm. The coffin stood open for all to see from about 10 up to 15 hours. Look at the miracle was the whole village. Almost immediately the find was reported to the district center. The bosses came in, firefighters, military, police. By 14 o’clock a brick color flew from the area a helicopter and delivered a dozen respectable “comrades” in civilian clothes who immediately declared that the place is contagious and ordered those present to depart from the coffin. After that, they cordoned off the place of discovery and copied all who touched the coffin and even standing close, supposedly for urgent passing a medical examination. “Comrades” dragged the coffin, was in a helicopter, but the burden was too heavy, and decided facilitate the task by removing fluid. After pumping liquid out the coffin, the corpse began to blacken right before our eyes. Then the liquid again flooded, and blackness began to quickly disappear. A minute later on the cheeks the deceased already flushed again and the whole body of the deceased acquired former life-like appearance. The coffin was closed and carried into a helicopter, gathered together with the earth the remains of putty in plastic bags and ordered the witnesses to disperse. After which, the helicopter soared up and headed for Novosibirsk. Five days later from Novosibirsk to An old professor arrived and gave a lecture at a village club. about preliminary laboratory research results of recent finds. The professor said that this rusty find will turn the very understanding of history. In the very near future, Soviet scientists will publish the results of their research, and this will bring scientific the world is in shock. The age of burial, according to the professor, is at least least 800 million years old!
USSR time �