It is interesting – 03.2014

Chinese businessmen hire white people to изображали их сотрудников This is interesting - 03.2014Фото изopen sources To enter the global market, small Chinese companies hire white actors to attend business meetings. Sometimes actors are hired just to make shareholders see foreign company, and some go further – make a deal with white girl and pass her off as her girlfriend. Chinese businessmen ready to pay quite a decent amount for white the foreigner has impersonated their business partner or employee. In China, this is derogatoryly called “window dressing with a white guy,” “a white guy in a tie” or even “a working person”. Ad, published by the company under the name “Rent-A-Laowai”, states: “Sometimes companies need a foreigner to participate in meeting or conference or just went with representatives company for lunch and shook hands with other Chinese businessmen. Workers there are places for both men and girls who look respectable in a business suit. “The requirements are simple: be white and at least occasionally say a few words in Chinese. And also look as if just yesterday got off the plane. IN mostly “white businessmen” moonlighting as unemployed actors or models, English teachers or other foreigners, who thought that a few dollars would not be superfluous. IN Пенсильвании есть потрясающие звенящие скалы Фотоfrom open sources When you hit a rock, you usually expect to hear a muffled sound, in a pinch, a click, but no ringing. However clinking rocks exist in nature: in the Park of clinking rocks on 128 acres of huge boulders lie – a unique natural phenomenon. If you hit any stone with a hammer, it will ring. American settlers learned about stones from the Indians in the 1700s. This ringing is so unexpected that it seems like stones metal and hollow. For many years a strange phenomenon poses to the dead end of scientists and geologists. Over the stones, several experiments, but the nature of the phenomenon remained unexplained. Pennsylvania geologist Richard Faas investigated several stones in laboratories in the year 1965. He found that every hit a single stone makes a sound at low frequencies which the human ear does not perceive, but a few stones interact with each other and this sound a person is already able hear. The stones are made up of a volcanic substance called diabase. There is nothing special about it: it is a mixture of iron ore and others hard rocks, like all stones. Some scientists believe that for ringing corresponds to the pressure of the rock inside the stones. In Japan, people собираются в группы, чтобы поплакать вместе Фотоfrom open sources In Japan, people come together specifically, to cry: “Weeping Workshops” is conducted by Takashi Saga, calling yourself a tearful sommelier. According to him, his work is like a choice suitable wine: he searches and provides people with books, songs and films affecting their emotions. In Japan, crying in public is not accepted. Twice a month Saga organizes Ruikatsu – a crying workshop for joy. He believes that after tears people are cleansed: hardships, tension and adversity recede into the background. According to the saga, laughter relieves stress briefly, and after tears people don’t are stressed for a week, so tears for physical and mental health is better than laughter. Scientific studies have shown that when our emotions are affected, and because of this we cry, then together with tears, the same types of hormones are released as with physical loads. Usually at the beginning of a seminar, many people sit with a stone face, but the materials provided by the Saga are able to touch anyone whatever. For example, one session began with what a person told a sad story, followed by a video from Whitney Houston and her the song “I Will Always Love You” in the background. Many people say that such therapy really helped them – stress for a while retreats and life becomes easier. And at the end of the seminar after crying people are smiling – in gratitude to the organizers.

Stones China Japan

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