It’s bad to live without a sucker

It’s bad to live without a suckerPhotos from open sources of

The Internet has long turned into a big country of fools, where so many traps for suckers have already been set that you wonder why crooks and crooks of all stripes spend so much time and energy, inventing and throwing more and more traps into the Network – is it really does it all work ?!

Why is sucker so easy to fool

It turns out how it works! It’s a win-win technique which Hitler spoke of: the more impudent and implausible a lie – the faster people are led to it. True, the current crooks have become even more refined psychologists and “beat on the spot”, as they say, on the most painful points of a person, playing on his most defenseless weaknesses. For example, on the thirst to get rich quickly and doing nothing – God, they just do not offer a naive sucker in this case! AND because how beautiful all these methods are (to earn a lot of money without investments and special labor) are presented …

A photo from open sources

Another pain point is the desire of a sucker to lose weight, while continuing to please his laziness and not stopping to eat in three sips. For such fools have just not been invented, what kind of diet is not written by inventive “air sellers”. Next weakness a man – his illness with an unshakable faith in a panacea for all ailments with an Internet search for a miracle cure that can instantly, and again without any effort on the part of the patient (swallowed the potion – and is healthy), lift him to his feet, remove prostatitis, cure cancer – in general, make it a big deal magic wands young and healthy.

There are other clues, like playing compassion, thanks what money is deceived from a person, and sometimes considerable; alluring offers in terms of recreation, buying unique things, cheap real estate, exemption from debts on mortgages and other loans, and much more. Ways to breed sucker on the Internet – the sea, and it the sea is gradually turning into an ocean – huge and vast, in which drowns naive dreams, empty hopes and faith in the good and decent people.

A photo from open sources

The thoughtless kindness inherent in suckers

One wants to exclaim: people, come to your senses, cheese in a mousetrap isn’t what is free, it is the most expensive! Do not go into this trap, so Attractive with its tidbits! Know: no difficulty in this NOTHING is given to life. However, naive kindness to all without parsing – also punishable from Above. No wonder there is a simple esoteric rule: do not ask – do not go with your help and decency. And today, even when asked, you need three more times cross oneself, turn to the heart, turn on intuition before to give something, so as not to indulge crooks and crooks.

By the way, if you think that these crooks and crooks are fewer in real life, then you are deeply mistaken, therefore, even feeding on street to the beggar, do not be too zealous and God forbid you, when this pride itself on its generosity and kindness. In this case Punishment from Above comes sometimes instantly (see video above). At this, as the judge said in the detective Agatha Christie’s “Ten Little Indians”, God punishes us with the hands of the mortals themselves, that is, in this case by the hands of crooks, such modern Ostap Benders, for whom you were and remain a fluffy sucker who, like them cynically they say it’s just a sin not to heat up a pretty penny …

Loch as a bright representative of modern society

The concept of a sucker (a person deceived by hooligans) has long acquired broader and even more refined-ironic significance, but little who realizes today that the bulk of modern society falls under this concept. These suckers believe that you can choose good and decent ruler of the country, it’s their drive, as cattle, at demonstrations and other extras, they arrange themselves with their hands revolutions and civil wars (see events in Ukraine), they hang noodles of politics and heralds of all stripes through the media and other channels. And suckers – believe, and not just believe, but are ready to give their own and the lives of their loved ones for the sake of this deception and swindle, which are much worse and worse than any money divorce.

A photo from open sources

This suckers inspire all nonsense through advertising, sometimes so impudent, and even aggressive, that you wonder how in all this can i believe And suckers – believe! They are sure that modern medicine and pharmaceuticals can cure any disease, and not even notice how they get sick all their lives, go to doctors for all their lives and all their lives life pay a lot of money to white-hawkers for their services and medicines, and so die sick and infirm.

A photo from open sources

Finally, it is only suckers who can believe that the universe is spinning around the Earth, which, in their opinion, was and remains the only shelter of reason, moreover, of such a “great mind” (man – the crown of the creation of Nature!), above which is only the Most High. By the way, these suckers believe in all sorts of religious dogmas, passionately pray in temples, while they hate neighbors, bosses, even their relatives, and at any opportunity, with pleasure make them dirty tricks.

These suckers, like parrots, repeat for the powers that be all delirium (and believe in it!), whether it’s invented, written, and rewritten the history of mankind, a lie about aliens, integrity modern science and manufacturers, which in reality for the sake of super profits will go to any scam and crime, and so further, and the like.

However, why then be surprised that the Internet is so generous is thrashing thriving? After all, around suckers! And the one who sees it, immediately tries to make money on them, though without even realizing that the sucker himself is from suckers, for in this universe an immutable law operates retribution for our actions. But the sucker does not know this, or what else dumber, tries to convince himself that this punishment of heaven is his certainly won’t touch …

Universe Money Life

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