Photo from open sources
The next international contest entitled “Best illusion. “This event gathers annually thousands of mathematicians, illusionists, artists and physicists who are ready to present to the world Impressive optical illusions of your own invention. Competition held since 2005, and the jury selects the top three each summer the masters who managed to trick human vision the most in an amazing way.
This time the winners were Americans Matthew Harrison and Gideon Caplowitz of the University of Nevada at Reno with his video on where the flickering squares and lines in place seem rotating. However, many viewers and users of the World the web felt that the Americans got their reward undeservedly, and their simple as five cents illusion does not go to any what a comparison with the magic that demonstrated the public Japanese Kokichi Sugihara from Meiji University, received only second place.
The beauty of the optical illusion created by a Japanese mathematician lies not only in its apparent impossibility in terms of physics, but also in the fact that no one has yet been able to determine what lies the secret of the master.
A photo from open sources
Optical illusion impossible to understand
The video below shows a mirror near which Kokichi Sugihara lays out various figures from plastic, showing viewers the incredible difference between reality and her reflection. Amazingly, the figures in the mirror acquire a completely different look: squares become circles, and circles – squares, while in reality the object can consist of tightly combined cubes, and in the reflection appears an object in the form penetrating each other cylinders, and vice versa. In a word, real mysticism. Japanese boldly rotates the figures, thereby showing that all this is completely real.
The mathematician promised that he would soon share with the world the public secret of his focus. To be received at the competition second place Asian specialist is ironic in claiming that he has many more years and a huge arsenal of optical tricks to become a winner, so his future rivals better not to relax.
Kokichi Sugihara is best known as the creator of numerous “impossible figures” of paper. If you look at his work under a certain angle, volumetric objects loom in front of you, which simply cannot exist in reality. Nonetheless, from different angles they take on a completely different look, exposing cunning tricks used by a mathematician to deceive the audience eye. Maybe the exact same thing is used in the video with the mirror principle?
Mirrors of Illusion