Japanese pensioner 30 years friends with a monster from the depths

Japanese pensioner 30 years friends with a monster from the depthsA photo from open sources

79-year-old resident of the Land of the Rising Sun Hiroyuki Arakawa has been friends with a fancy marine creature for three decades, looking like an ugly person.

In the Japanese bay of Tateyama at a depth of 17 meters are torii ritual gates sacred to followers Shintoism. However, few people know that in this place religious significance originated in the eighties of the last century friendship between a local diver and an Asian sheep-headed guban.

This meeting took place by accident. Arakawa instructed then go down under water and take some pictures of the sanctuary. There, a diver suddenly discovered a wounded fish that was too weak to hunt on her own. Hiroyuki for 10 days came back to this place and fed his new friend crabs. Guban quickly recovered and soon recovered completely.

A photo from open sources

The diver was sure that one day the sea dweller forever disappear, but this has not happened so far. Is worth Arakawa come down here as his friend immediately appears nearby. Rybina, named her savior Yoriko, loves when Japanese stroking her and playing with her.

Fish are still considered animals that are not capable experience deep attachment to a person, however advanced scientists of our day do not agree with this opinion. Recent studies have shown that these vertebrates are much more smart and social beings than previously thought. However, to be convinced of this, just believe in a 30-year-old strong friendship between Hiroyuki and Yoriko. And believe in her very much just by watching the proposed video …

By the way, not so long ago we talked about the friendship of a person with crocodile, which is also incredibly scientific ideas about these predators. But in the animal world there are many what is mysterious, and, as it turns out, man himself established a barrier between itself and the animal world, a barrier that is easy destroyed by true love and friendship …

Fish japan

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