A photo from open sources
Far and mysterious land – Kamchatka. Edge to the same virgin, still little studied and still almost not mastered by man. No wonder that there is a lot of everything mysterious, including life-threatening people.
Deadly Lake Fumarolnoe
There are a lot of volcanoes in Kamchatka, landscapes around which are literally mesmerizing with some piercing beauty. No exception in this regard is Lake Fumarolnoe at the foot of the Uzon volcano, which looks more like a huge bowl of hot water floating on cool air.
And indeed, even on the surface of this unique reservoir the temperature of the liquid is about 50 degrees Celsius, and in deeper – the water just boils. This is the hottest lake in Russia.
The name of the reservoir “Fumarole” can be translated as a source hot gases, however it would be more correct to say – the source poisonous gases, because the haze above this lake is just not harmless park from hot water, and various gas formations, deadly to all living things. For this reason, to the lake Fumarolnoe there’s not even a path – neither tourists nor hunters from fishermen, rare visitors to the mysterious reservoir – scientists who explore not only the lake itself, but also the effect of the volcano on it Uzon.
A photo from open sources
The pond is relatively large, about 600 meters long and 300 meters wide, its depth reaches 25 meters. Besides he so beautiful that it’s hard to take your eyes off, however admire it the lake is better in photographs or videos, not approaching this natural “trap” – deadly!
Death valley
Who does not know the famous Kamchatka Geyser Valley (see about it video below), it is in this fantastic in its beauty and A wonderful film was shot in Soviet times. “Sannikov Land”. However, few have heard that not far from this life-affirming valley is another – Valley of death.
The most interesting thing is that until the mid-seventies of the past centuries, about this terrible place, no one even knew. First, Kamchatka huge and little studied so far, and the Valley of Death is not so large – about 2 kilometers in length and half a kilometer wide. IN 1975, forester V. Kalyaev and volcanologist V. Leonov studying the Kronotsky nature reserve of this the edges. It almost cost them their lives. In subsequent years here many expeditions of scientists have been visited, trying to understand that in this valley kills animals and birds, including humans, if he will be so careless that he will not leave the black spot as much as possible rather.
A photo from open sources
At first glance, everything seems simple – everything living here is killed volcanic gases, like carbon monoxide. However why animals and birds in a canyon die almost instantly? Then scientists suggested that, for example, chlorocyanine, in its own way, may be present in these gases action similar to cyanide poisons. But even this theory is bursting at the seams, since the concentration of chlorocyan in this case should be very large, cause tearing, but this is not observed. More Moreover, cyanide poisons kill everything living, including bacteria, animals and birds poisoned in the Death Valley do not turn into mummies, but quietly decompose …
Death Valley still remains the unsolved mystery of the distant and a fantastic land – Kamchatka. However, there are many others riddles, it’s like a snuffbox of an old and good wizard, in which collected real fabulous miracles …
Water Volcanoes Life Kamchatka Birds Russia