A photo From open sources, Karma is the driving force behind evolution. Our human karma is not just a component of our own growth and development, it is part of the evolution of planetary consciousness. Karma pushes us to feel this unity, laying on us responsibility for actions both in relation to ourselves and in against others.
Being the driving force of evolution, karma is by no means fatalistic. It is a natural force, the task of which is to ensure complete the development of consciousness in a living being. One could say that Karma is the self-correction of a self-creating universe. Individual remains a mediator in this process, but karma as a law carried out not only in the correction of his one.
Revealing Karma Does Not Have a Specific Judgment of “Good” or a “bad” act. It is driven by the power of consciousness aimed at growth of intelligence. Karma makes us develop awareness not only inside, but also at the level of actions, where she leads her Countdown. It forces us to know the dynamics of our relationship. with the outside world. We cannot eat, breathe or think independently from other living things or the universe. In everything we do inside the universe, the universe itself is involved. Each of us is a sacred offering on the altar of life in general, and life in in turn offers itself to us in a wide variety of forms: from food and breathing to relationships. And the only question is does our offering sweeten and become exalted, or it tastes bitter and is an obstacle to further lifting of life.
When we act in unity – not separating ourselves from others, but, on the contrary, feeling our essence in all beings, we are not bound by bonds karma. What binds us is our own limitations superimposed on the creative power of the universe. If we allow ourselves act in accordance with the power of the universe, our activities are more will not hold us back, she will set us free. Actions in consciousness of unity give rise to a “bonfire of karma” on which all burn its negative types.
Today we are required to rethink the spiritual issue according to surrounding circumstances, since the growth of consciousness is necessary for all nature. Spiritual needs are not only human needs, it is an indispensable legacy that evolution gives to any life. We can develop spiritually only if we are conscious of our unity with the rest of life. We can get liberation only if we become one with the whole universe.
So, if karma is an evolutionary force, it has a positive goal. for development. It is not a court that distributes suffering. She aims to create universal happiness where everyone helps others come to liberation, independence and satisfaction by its own nature. Evolution is a manifestation of joy itself life from which creation naturally arises, that in Yoga they call Ananda, or “Divine Grace.” We must follow this supreme bliss if we want to find the true happiness and understanding of life. Real light is not a personal achievement, but general happiness, the power of love. If we can see all the wisdom karma, we will come to unity, where all our suffering will disappear, where there is no very possibility of suffering.
Universe Life Karma Evolution