A photo from open sources
A strange attack fell on the inhabitants of Kalachi in Kazakhstan: suddenly one or another kalachevtsy brings down a sound sleep. People fall asleep right on the spot, and in no way wake up sleeping is impossible. It started in March 2013. First in class the ninth grader fell asleep, then the pensioner fell asleep at a table at a party have a son, and a two-year-old baby is right on the street. In a few days 8 villagers slept soundly. People slept from 3 to 5 days. Many in strange hallucinations see in a dream. The number of those who have had a “long sleep” gradually began to increase. Some strange dream struck and twice and thrice. For a year with a small number of victims reached several dozen. For a village whose entire population is a little longer than 600 people, that’s a lot. Almost trouble came in every home. The village doctor Tatyana Protasova has already sounded the alarm in the first cases. Soon, her father fell asleep and slept for 4 days, so that to study a strange disease she didn’t even have to leave at home. Several commissions from the ministry visited the village over the year health, environmental protection, Ministry of Emergencies and others. Affected diagnosed with toxic encephalopathy, i.e. defeat brain. True, the residents of Kalachi are neither hot nor it’s cold, because the most important thing is the cause of the strange disease, and remained unexplained. Although more than a year was spent 7,000 studies, water, air and soil samples taken, blood test the victims for toxic substances – no deviations from the norms were not identified. Measured the radiation background in every house, but everywhere it was even lower than the permissible. Residents the village is in despair. Some consider it heavenly punishment, others see it as misfortune of the machinations of aliens, but neither appeal to the ministers of the church, nor to psychics did not help. Despite the ambiguity of the situation, authorities did not begin to introduce an emergency mode. Established that the disease is not contagious and spread within a strictly limited area. IN neighboring villages, cases of a strange disease do not registered. Kalachevites who left the village in a new place do not suffer from bouts of sleeping sickness. It is speculated that the cause is inert gases coming out of the ground. Geologists are looking in the Kalachi area for their exit, but so far to no avail. And while the doctors shrug their hands, the residents of Kalachi themselves while they are slowly leaving the village, boarding their houses, because it is impossible to sell them for any money. The glory of the “sleepy kingdom” already spread around and wanting to settle in Kalachi and oversleep there most of his life is simply not there.
Kazakhstan Epidemics