KidZania City of Children

The Kidzania project came up in Mexico. Once in territory park, the child receives two things – a bracelet that defines him location, and a few kizo – a small amount of local money, other currency is invalid. City of children KidZaniaPhotos from open sources These kizos are not enough for anything, in what is the main idea of ​​the park – to have fun, you need make money. The child chooses what he wants to become. Photo from open sources Photo from open sources He is offered about 90 professions, issued uniform and sent for training. For example, in order to become by a local taxi driver or civilian pilot, you need to get rights, and in order to work in a bank – be able to count at least until fifty. Photo from открытых источников Фото изopen sources Kidzania has its own hospitals, schools, an airport, TV channels, beauty salons, restaurants and shops. You can get anywhere, but everyone has the same salary – 8 kizo. Фото изоткрытых источников Фото изоткрытых источников Фото изоткрытых источников Фото изоткрытых источников

True, if you go to study and get a bachelor’s degree, salary rise by as much as 15 kizo. Changing Jobs at Kidzania is Easier simple – you just need to go to the supervisor, say what to be the police are tired and immediately get a place at a gas station.

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