Photo from open sources
The fact that a person is a sleepwalker is usually known only his family and friends. Somnambulists are usually pretty harmless: immersed in a sound sleep, wandering around the rooms, sometimes They go outside, and in the morning they don’t remember anything. But among them there are also unhappy people for whom somnambulism becomes the curse of their whole life. Unknowingly, harmless sleepwalker sometimes turns into a bloodthirsty monster and commits scary and senseless crimes. Brandon McGill from Norwich that in England, from childhood suffering from somnambulism, could go out at night naked from home and walk like this through the streets until its police detained for disturbing public order. Thrice he left his wife, who did not want to put up with nightly tricks spouse, several times Brandon ended up in psychiatric hospitals. However, tranquilizers and other drugs did not help him. In the best case he slept peacefully a month or two and then bouts somnambulism began anew. May Night of 2002 McGill left the house and went unknown. On his misfortune, on the way turned out to be an unlocked night car standing near the supermarket security guard with a key in the ignition switch. Brandon got behind the wheel, started motor and rushed around the city towards the center, not observing any rules. Soon, a police patrol chased after the offender, demanding so that he stops immediately. But the sleepwalker, on the contrary, added speed and at one of the intersections brought down two midnight passers-by. Then Brandon knocked down a policeman who tried to block him the road. (By the way, the guard of order died on the same night resuscitation without regaining consciousness.) Then pursued him the police fired on the wheels of the car, which led to new tragedy. The car on which the somnambulo raced was thrown into side, and he drove into the convenience store, crushing the seller. TO KNOW CANNOT BE FORGIVENESS Only after that he received a slight injury McGill finally woke up. While he was trying to understand what had happened, the riot police arrived twisted him. Alcohol test in blood gave negative results. This became evidence in the benefit of the sleepwalker, who was initially mistaken for a walker an alcoholic. During the examination, doctors confirmed that McGill committed criminal acts in a state of complete insanity. AND nevertheless, his fate was to be decided by the court. The opinions of the judges were divided: some insisted that the legally accused is not criminal and his must be treated. Others believed that Magkill deserves himself. severe punishment. Fortunately for the defendant, supporters of the first opinions were in the majority, and the somnambulist was sent to mental asylum. ARMED AND VERY DANGEROUS For the time being 34-year-old Christopher Paris from Sheffield was nothing notable office clerk. At leisure, he liked to watch bloody thrillers on TV despite warnings neuropathologist advising Paris about his sleepwalking. Christopher didn’t have any problems for a long time, because during night walks he did not leave his house. But In the spring of 1998, the sleepwalker and his wife were in a car accident. The wife died, and Paris escaped with bruises and concussion. Obviously, it was a head injury and extreme stress that changed the course his illness. In his testimony during the investigation, Christopher Paris said: “The worst thing for me was that I didn’t remembered what he had done. My first kill, just like everyone else the rest, I overslept. I had some nightmares, it seems, for I was chased by the living dead. Waking up, I saw that pajamas and my hands are in my blood, and a bloodied wall is lying near the bed kitchen knife. I turned on the TV and heard that an unknown maniac at night killed a 30-year-old man Alan in one of the neighboring streets Lauta. I suspected that this was the work of my hands, was terribly worried and not knew what to do. Going to the police was scary, no one to me would believe. I was also afraid to turn to psychiatrists. I wanted to believe that all this is just an annoying misunderstanding that is no longer повторится… Photo from open sources But a month later, waking up one morning, I realized that he had become a killer again. I found cut off female on the floor ear with an earring. I had a tantrum. In the news program announced that 47-year-old Barbara Smith was killed, which the maniac overtook in gateway. I tried to hang myself, but the hook to which tied the rope. Then he swallowed sleeping pills and slept two days. The stomach after that, by the way, was ruined … Then I became take measures that would help me prevent new attacks on people: and hid the knives at home in the safe, and at night to handcuffed the beds. But each time it turned out that the devil possessing me can kill without a knife, but find the key and open the lock of handcuffs for him is not a problem. Finally what happened was to happen sooner or later: me caught. I woke up in severe pain and found myself lying on sidewalk surrounded by police officers. It turned out that I attacked random passerby and began to choke him. But he managed to break free and reported an attack to the police. The patrol caught up with me near my at home. I did not respond to the demand to stop, I had an active resistance, and they twisted me by force. “Altogether Christopher’s victims Five people became Paris, two of whom remained alive. Attacked he is not only in the days of full moons. For his crimes committed could be sentenced to life imprisonment, however experts proved that he committed them in a state of insanity, and sleepwalker sent for treatment to a psychiatric hospital. Sergei DEMKIN COMMENT People walk in their sleep for many centuries, but science has not figured out this mysterious phenomenon. It is believed that night walks and generally any physical activity is possible when the inhibition of central nervous system during sleep does not apply to those areas brain, which know motor functions. The reason for this failures are nervous disorders or lesions of the cerebral cortex brain. But this scientific explanation does not solve the riddle. somnambulism. After all, the sleepwalker does not just randomly move his hands and legs, and performs very complex actions. It is impossible without the coordinated work of many centers of the brain that control our behavior.
Фото изopen sources In addition, the brain must also receive processed information about the environment. Somnambulist not realizes what he is doing, but at the same time behaves reasonably enough: exits and enters through doors; circumvents obstacles rather than bumping into them; picks up various objects and uses them purposefully by them. The behavior of a lunatic is similar to the behavior of a zombie person or a biorobot that someone controls. But who? According to parapsychologists, there is no doubt only one thing: some are instilled into sleepwalkers entities from the subtle world. Their victims are neurotics and psychopaths in a protective energy cocoon of which mental injuries appear holes. They can occur and due to severe stress, and in children – due to still fragile energy armor. When during night sleep, brain control over body weakens, invading otherworldly entity occupies it place and uses man as a biorobot. What is she for commits certain actions, it is difficult to judge. Sometimes created the impression that a malicious demon According to medical statistics, periodic somnambulism observed in five percent of children, but then, having matured, most get rid of him. However, later influenced by severe stress or breakdown renewed. Recover from somnambulism with psychotherapists and hypnologists are not always successful. therefore It is important to prevent holes in the energy shield. For There are certain meditative techniques. But to them most of us, unfortunately, are treated with unreasonable skepticism … Sergey MILIN