King of Africa “part-time” works in Germany as a car mechanic

African kingA photo from open sources

Surely any auto mechanic will happily quit his job to become the ruler of a country, even a small one African: live in a castle, swim in luxury and take in the throne Hall of subjects. However, on our planet there is at least one a monarch who, on the contrary, prefers a modest royal life work as a car mechanic. This man’s name is Togbe Ngorifiya Kifa Kosi Bansa.

Supreme ruler of a territory called hoho’s the West African state of Ghana has two hundred thousand subjects. In addition, he is considered his leader by more than two million representatives of the Ewe people living in the country of Togo. However the monarch lives not in hot Africa, but in a German city Ludwigshafen am Rhein. There, the man has a house, a wife and his own auto repair shop where he performs the work of a mechanic. Thus, many Germans can boast that their cars are being repaired by a real king.

In 1970, Togbe Ngorifiya Kifa Kosi Bansa was sent to Germany to study with his grandfather, who was the ruler of Hoho. Grandson the king became interested in auto mechanics and after a while opened his workshop, assimilated in a European country. Not less, in 1987 he received a message from his homeland in which it was said that he became the sovereign ruler of Hoho. His grandfather died, father and older brother were deemed unfit for rule (left-handed), therefore, the holy duty to lead the African territory entrusted to a black German. And the man had to accept this duty.

A photo from open sources

Without leaving Germany and without stopping repairing cars, he first rules by subjects using the phone, then when appeared Internet, email, chats and video conferencing via Skype Several times a year, Togbe Ngorifiya Kifa Kosi Bansa arrives at home with his German wife Gabriella, so that face to face to communicate with officials and subjects. In 1992 in Hoho established democracy, but the monarch still plays an important role in governing the country.

Citizens of Hoho understand understand the lifestyle that the king chose them. Board of Togbe Ngorifiya Kifa Kosi Bansa considered very competent and caring towards subjects. Behind many schools were built during his reign in Hoho, institutions, hospitals and cultural institutions, and living standards in country has increased dramatically. So the rulers of other countries may it’s worth adopting this experience, because the general who is not good is bad was a real soldier without experiencing all the hardships of a soldier’s life or quickly forgetting about the past in the current generalist hypostasis.

Africa Time Germany Life

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