Kombucha: Doctor in the Bank

Kombucha: Doctor in the BankA photo from open sources

Alas, today many of us, hoping to quench our thirst, give preference for advertised soda and juices dubious qualities, forgetting that our ancestors drank tasty and healthy Kvass made from Kombucha. Of course the view a three-liter jar floating in her “jellyfish” is not so presentable as a bottle or bag with a beautiful label. So because not all that glitters is gold …


Until now, no one can unambiguously answer the question, like where did Kombucha come from, since in the natural environment it doesn’t meets. For its growth, you need sweet tea, which, except at home, impossible.

Scientists suggest that the mushroom could appear only in any a pond with algae that can give water the properties of tea. But this the assumption can be refuted by the fact that Mexicans grow Kombucha, placing fig fruits in water, which means that he could appear in any fermented drink.

According to legend, one monk predicted to a dying emperor that medicine will bring him an ant. After some time, the emperor saw that an ant had fallen into his cup of tea, who said that brought an invisible medicine to the eye. Just to see him, you need wait until the jellyfish grows in the cup, and she will give tea healing properties. And so it happened: the emperor took the medicine and recovered.

The official homeland of Kombucha is considered by some to be sacred the lands of Tibet, they say, it was from there that he got to India, and then to China. But, according to other historical sources, the mysterious mushroom appeared in China during the reign of the Qin Dynasty in 221-207 BC e. Ancient Chinese called Kombucha drink kam-boo-ha and endowed him with divine power, prolonging life, and the recipe was kept secret. Only the highest was allowed to drink it estate.

However, the land is full of rumors, and in 414 in Japan, to to treat the dying emperor, a Chinese medic arrived who brought with him a miraculous mushroom. Perhaps this fact laid down in the foundation of the legend of the ant.

Well, from Japan, the mushroom continued its journey to Korea, Manchuria and Eastern Siberia. And already in the XIX century in almost every house Kombucha was grown in Russia, Belarus, and Transcaucasia.

P. R. Stantsevich, visiting Irkutsk in 1835, recalls: “In tea is very strange in this city: not only hot, but also cold. And the cold is cooked like kvass, insisting on slippery a mushroom-like tortilla that grows on rotten stumps. “Kombucha became so fashionable in the second half of the 19th century that they were it is customary to treat guests during social visits, and he practically crowded out the mead.

In the XX century, Europe learned about the healing properties of tea kvass, and the mushroom itself has become very popular, it is still sold in European pharmacies.


Since Kombucha has become widely known, people are wondering question: what is this plant? Or is it not plant? The German mycologist Lindau in 1913 was the first to give a complete scientific description of the fungus and called it jellyfish, even with its jellyfish only external resemblance unites.

A photo from open sources

According to Lindau, Kombucha is a symbiosis of two microorganisms: yeast and acetic acid bacteria. And together they create a huge fast-growing colony that looks like a jellyfish, but tan color. The mushroom floats on the surface of the liquid, similar to a multilayer yellow film with processes resembling tentacles of jellyfish.

Being in a sweet tea infusion, the mushroom converts it into healing and tasty drink containing vitamins C, PP, D and B, organic acids and enzymes. It is believed that tea kvass for its therapeutic properties are not inferior to antibiotics, only without side effects.


The Chinese called him the elixir of health and immortality, believed that it balances qi energy and helps digestion. Primarily, Kvass tea is used to prevent various diseases – this its main action. With its help you can insure yourself against colds during cold weather, make up for the lack of vitamins in the spring, restore intestinal microflora, which was disturbed by the disease or exposure to antibiotics. Kombucha drink is good raises a tone, increasing working capacity and activity.

Kombucha can cure diseases of the gastrointestinal a tract, in particular constipation, hemorrhoids, gastritis. Also, taking Kombucha infusion, you can get rid of hypotension, tonsillitis, dysentery, enterocolitis and scarlet fever. Kombucha acts as antibiotic for acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, flu.

A photo from open sources

It also treats diseases of the ear, throat, nose, eyes (conjunctivitis). Infected wounds heal faster if treated with this infusion. Surprisingly, the magic mushroom is able to cope with such a serious disease like tuberculosis, it makes it much easier course of the disease. When using a drink from Kombucha cholesterol is reduced to the norm.

In addition, tea kvass is a guarantee of no hangover in the morning after the holiday (unless, of course, you start drinking alcohol with it beverages). The action of Kombucha with a hangover syndrome due to the neutralization of alcohol toxins. It’s related with a complete balance of the necessary substances of natural origin. Such harmony as exists in Kombucha cannot be achieve in a synthetic way.

Magic mushroom is actively used in cosmetology to care for skin and nails. The healing properties possessed by Kombucha widely used in the treatment of diseases of the scalp and strengthening hair. Rinse your hair with tea infusion mushroom after each wash, so that they become shiny and healthy. But note: the mushroom must be aged for at least three weeks. Can rub this infusion into the scalp, which will give a good result in anti-dandruff.

People suffering from excessive sweating, Kombucha with it antibacterial properties will certainly help. For this you need take a monthly infusion of the mushroom, moisten a towel in it and wipe armpits after washing.


But the fact that Kombucha also has miraculous power, few people know. Mages and sorcerers use it for their magic. They know how to speak mushrooms at the request of a person. But that is not all, everyone can do it on their own.

A photo from open sources

It is believed that Kombucha hears requests and fulfills desires. The ritual is quite simple: enough daily for a week in the morning and before going to bed, turning to him in a whisper to pronounce his request. But so that no one but the mushroom can hear you. In this case, the bank with unusual tenant should always be at the head of the bed. When you want to talk to the mushroom, pick it up in your hands.

Many will smile skeptically after reading such a strange tip. However, bacteriologists believe that bacteria are capable of absorb and store information, as well as transmit it from person to to man.

Want to get rid of wrinkles? Talk about it constantly to your friend in the bank. Bacteria will certainly respond to your request and begin to produce substances that will help smooth your face.


Kvass tea alone has no contraindications if, Of course, do not reach fanaticism in its application. Carefully it should be consumed by people suffering from a disease such as diabetes and those who are overweight due to that the mushroom loves a very sweet solution.

People with high acidity of the stomach can drink the infusion of the fungus. only on the basis of black tea, and instead of sugar it should feed with honey, as it neutralizes the acid component a drink. And, of course, do not forget about allergic reactions in case of individual intolerance to one of components of the drink.

A photo from open sources

Also, doctors do not advise taking the infusion of the fungus directly before meals (5-10 minutes before meals), during or immediately after her. Tea kvass infusion actively interacts with food in stomach, and you almost immediately feel hunger again. To this did not happen, it is better to drink a drink 2 hours after ingestion plant foods and 4 hours after meat.

Observing certain rules when drinking tea kvass, from it can only be benefited.


Water Time Mushrooms China Japan

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