Ktons – powerful inhabitants of the underworld

The Ktons - Mighty Residents of the UnderworldA photo from open sources

On the last day of February 2003 at a Chinese mine near Jixi City, located in Heilongjiang Province, occurred accident. As a result of the collapse of the breed fourteen miners remained underground – completely cut off from surface. This tragic story turned out to be amazing. a sequel that followed five years after the ill-fated collapse.

A photo from open sources

The loss of two miners

During the rescue operations, only bodies were found. twelve people. Miners Lao Pen and his teammate Wang Hu turned out to be behind the wall of the crumbling rock, and it was dangerous to disassemble it. Since five years have passed, when suddenly in 2008, Wang Hu, whom all considered dead, returned home.

This fact interested law enforcement agencies since it turned out that relatives illegally received monetary compensation for death of a miner. A reasonable question arose: how did Wang Hu survived and why so much time did not make itself felt?

He replied that he was ready to compensate for all payments made. Wang attributed his absence to the fact that he lived for five years in the depths of the earth among powerful ctons. After similar former miner’s statements were sent to the hospital on examination.

After conducting comprehensive and thorough research, the doctors did the conclusion that their unusual patient is completely healthy, and especially body. So, he did not have even the slightest signs of anthracosis – lung disease inherent in almost every miner. Yet it was more surprising that the man had all 32 teeth, and because a few years ago there were only 25 of them. At the age of for forty years, Wang Hu had the body of a 25-year-old man.

In this case, the competent authorities initiated a thorough investigation. As a result of a secret search, it turned out that Wang Hu had a lot of money that he received for the sale untreated emeralds. Former miner explained that these stones he obtained while in the possession of mighty ktons. Special services I had to study in detail the story told by the man.

A photo from open sources

Wang Hu’s story about ktony

The disaster cut off Wang Hu and his partner from the surface of the earth and comrades. The miners had a sufficient supply of water but food practically was not. They expected help for three days, after which they decided to seek salvation on their own. However all underground moves led in depth, and people had to follow there.

Suddenly, undersized people attacked the miners. They are not caused harm to the aliens, but, on the contrary, fed them to their fill and led even lower to where the kingdom of the ctons was located.

How deep the Chinese descended with their guides, one could only speculate. According to Wang Hu, the depth was about 15 kilometers. Contrary to popular theories, temperature it was bearable, and the air was clean. It was also pretty light since in the bowels of the earth there is a system of special lenses having The diameter is up to 3 thousand steps, and in height – more than 300 meters.

A photo from open sources

Huge caves served as housing for the Ktons. For example, in one of almost a thousand people lived there. Although the Kton language is not at all similar to Chinese, it’s easy to learn, and the captives soon learned to communicate well with others. However, it turned out that the ktons did not consider them captives. They sincerely believed that living on the surface is a huge misfortune, and two people were accepted for fugitives who are looking for a way to a better world. And in fact, in the kingdom of the Ktons, no one knew hunger and disease.

Wang Hu said that the inhabitants of the dungeon ate special edible mold that grew in abundance in caves. She has a peculiar and not without pleasant taste and very useful.

The Chinese quickly felt a surge of physical, in particular in both teeth changed. For ktons, this is a common thing: their teeth change in throughout life many times, and rarely anyone here does not live up to 200 years. The inhabitants of the dungeon do not like luxury and are satisfied with a minimum things, but they are treated with care and care. Knights Board monarchical.

In this amazing kingdom, Wang Hu and his partner Lao Peng lived as full members of society, over time they got wives, and then the children. And all would be well if Wang Hu did not miss in the sun he hadn’t seen for so long.

He was discreetly discouraged from returning to people, but not held. Ktons carried Wang Hu to the surface and even presented him emeralds.

A photo from open sources

The fate of the guest of the underground kingdom of the cthons

As you understand, all of the above is only a small part of narrated by Wang Hu. The former miner was declared crazy, but at the same time he was imprisoned at a military base, and this suggests that that the authorities took the story of Wang Hu seriously.

Opinions of scientists on this subject, as always, were divided. Alone believe that Wang Hu simply retold the myth of the existing the land of civilization (many peoples have such myths). Other believe that the Chinese miner stumbled upon a lost terrestrial civilization or an unknown alien.

One thing is clear: Wang Hu’s presence at the military base indicates that the Chinese are proponents of the theory of the existence of underground residents. By the way, this opinion was held in the Third Reich: in 1942 was organized under the patronage of Goering and Himmler large-scale and most secret underground expedition. That’s just it is not known whether Nazi scholars succeeded then …

A photo from open sources

China time

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