Kyshtym dwarf

Photo from open sources

In August 1996, a resident of Kalinovy ​​(a suburb of Kyshtym Chelyabinsk region.) Prosvirina T.V. found and brought home the living being. In the annals, it remained as a “Kyshtym dwarf”. Being resembled a man, but all who saw clearly said that it was not a man. Then what was it? Or who?

Kyshtym alien “Aleshenka”

Photo from open sources

The lonely pensioner Tamara Prosvirina was not quite mentally a healthy person, was registered in a psychiatric clinic. Often she I went to the local cemetery, where I collected flowers. August 13, 1996 she returned from a hike with a bundle where she lay and peeped strange living creature. The old woman left him at home and called him “Aleshenka.”

Tamara Alferova, the daughter-in-law of Prosvirina, often visited her daughter-in-law, cooked, cleaned the room. When Tamara was absent city ​​(she worked as a rotational cook) she came instead her mother Galina Alferova, who was often accompanied by her room Vladimir Nurdinov. In addition to these three alive, “Aleshenka” saw Prosvirina’s neighbor Nina Glazyrina, son of Alferova and a few people. With slight acceptable margins they all describe Alyoshenka in the same way.

Humanoid, growth 25-30cm, on the body – wool, lye instead of lips, on claws, tongue, two teeth, eyes without eyelids. Big eyes, the pupils expand and contract, like a cat’s. No genital organs (“I even checked with my finger – everything was smooth there, like in dolls “). The head of the onion, instead of the ears of a hole. There was no navel!

Kyshtymsky “Aleshenka” did not go, could not eat on his own – Prosvirina fed him curd cheese and watered from a spoon. On the light and movement reacted with screeches and whistles. None of those who have seen did not take him for a man, and treated Aleshenka as a strange beast like a kitten, although many people look seemed meaningful.

The absurd death of a Kyshtym dwarf

For almost a month the creature lived with the old woman. It all ended very sadly. A pensioner walked around the yard and shared the joy that she appeared “son Aleshenka”, which she will write on his surname, and who will now live with her. Because everyone knew about Prosvirina’s disease, it was perceived as a relapse. Have arrived orderlies made an injection and took the old woman away for treatment. Prosvirina cried, asked not to take her: “Alyoshenka, son at my place stayed “, – but who will the madman listen to?

A few days later, Galina Alferova, learning that Prosvirina put in a hospital, came to her house. When she and the escort her Nurdinov entered the room, they smelled a strange smell. On the the bed was Kyshtym “Aleshenka”. He was dead. Left without caring “mother”, he died of hunger.

Major Bendlin leads the investigation

The story could end on this, remaining only in memory few witnesses, but Vladimir Alferova’s lodger Nurdinov took the body and dried it. In September, he showed the mummy Yevgeny Mokachev, an investigator of the Kyshtym police department, who told about to all his partner – Major Vladimir Bendlin, who began spin this thing.

Photo from open sources

Photo from open sources

Bendlin talked with witnesses, photographed a mummy, photographed at the camera. Almost everything that we know about the “Kyshtym dwarf”, we owe him. “Alyoshenka” Bendlin studied in his free work time, even register this event on duty refused.

Photo from open sources

In addition to natural curiosity, the major was driven by a sense of duty: if it’s the body of a premature baby, there is every reason initiation of criminal proceedings. However, he who saw more than one criminal miscarriage, this time the major could not say with 100% certainty that this is a human corpse. He decided to turn to specialists.

Photo from open sources

Pathologist Stanislav Samoshkin, to whom Bendlin presented mummy, gave the conclusion that it was not a man. The structure of the skeleton is not consistent with averaged human standards, the skull consisted of 4 bones. However, he could not answer what it was then. Such he did not see skeletons, and they did not pass at the institute. Separately Samoshkin noted that the cerebral cavity of the skull in the mummy is much more than a face. On Earth, only this feature has human.

On this, Major Bendlin exhausted his possibilities. Were required expertise worth the money, special research in the laboratory conditions involving trained professionals. Superiors Bendlin’s aspirations were not welcomed and complained that the major engaged in nonsense, even in his spare time.

In an effort to reach a new level, Bendlin contacted Kamenetz-Ural UFO organization “UFO-contact”. On the the call came the head of the organization Galina Semenkova, whom Bendlin passed the mummy for a full study. Through for a while he received a message that this is ordinary miscarriage.

The end of the story of the Kyshtym dwarf? Well no

However, this did not end there. History has become the property Media, went publication. Cunning journalists unearthed that a mummy investigated in one of the Yekaterinburg research institutes, but then they could not advance. We went to Galina Semenkova, head “UFO contact”, which Bendlin passed the mummy “Aleshenka.”

To the questions of journalists about the fate of the mummy Galina Ivanovna sparingly she replied that she didn’t go anywhere, she was seized by the competent authorities, they are investigating, and she herself knows nothing more. results the studies, she was told, will be made public, “when it comes time”.

Mummy Time

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