Ladies in green attire

Ladies in a green robeA photo from open sources

Dark stories about women in green robes are available in folklore of any people. It is believed that these ladies drink human blood, kidnap babies and treacherously seduce gullible men. According to eyewitnesses, these sinister creatures continue today lure people into their ingenious traps …

Apartment with a “green woman”

This story happened in Krasnoyarsk about ten years ago. Having got a prestigious job, the young girl left parents and rented housing in the city center. She got chic option: a well-furnished apartment in Stalin for a truly funny money. But soon the tenant found out what the secret of such an unprecedented generosity of the owners.

Staying alone in the apartment, the girl constantly felt someone invisible presence. Finally one evening she saw in a corner rooms an unfamiliar woman in a green dress to the floor. It was obvious, that this lady is trying to leave the corner, but some kind of force holds her.

A photo from open sources

Then the stranger began silently calling the girl with signs. That at first I could not believe my eyes, but then still I decided get closer to the lady. As soon as this happened, the woman’s neck is unnatural it stretched out and the face became very much like a mug disgusting monster.

Terrified, the girl bounced off the creepy creature and, hastily Having gathered, she left to spend the night with her friend. However, tomorrow, by returning home, she saw a “green woman” in the same corner.

For some time, the girl wandered around friends and acquaintances, spent the night parents, but did not dare to tell anyone about their otherworldly neighbor, – was afraid that they would not believe. And no wonder it cost her to come home with a groom or girlfriend, the “green lady” did not appear. And when the guests left, she immediately appeared on her usual location.

Finally, the girl could not stand it and moved out of a cheap apartment, preferring more expensive but safe housing.

Green oak perfume

The French today believe that “women in green” are perfumes sacred oak forests, in which the rites of the ancient Druids. Moreover these mysterious creatures are still in the trunks of centuries oak trees. It is believed that if in Celtic holidays people weave wreaths of mistletoe or honeysuckle and decorate with them the sacred trees, spirits send them a rich harvest and a large offspring cattle.

However, if someone thoughtlessly offends the sacred tree, in vain breaks off its branches or (God forbid) cuts down in vain, “green lady “, angry, can kill all the children in the village …

In Scotland, such women were considered to be forest fairies abducting children. Some still believe that at night they can sneak into the house where there is a newborn, and pick him up, and in return leave your child – shriveled and scary.

A photo from open sources

This freak has a very nasty character: he plagues “parents” heart-rending cry and all the time requires food, while not eating milk, and “adult” food. According to legend, from a foundling you can get rid of. To do this, you should mistreat him – in this If a forest fairy takes her child back, and a stolen baby will return to parents.

There is another way to make the fairy pick up a loud glutton – make this freak laugh or force him to be called by cunning real age.

Other legends say that the “green ladies” did not steal children, but rubbed with human blood. Soon after, the babies fell ill incurable ailments and died.

Night green cannibals

However, “women in green” is not only engaged in kidnapping. Thanks to the famous British preacher and fighter against the unclean by the power of Jerome Bruce we became aware of an interesting story about meeting with them in the first half of the 17th century. The future pastor, and at that time a very young guy, went to hunt with friends.

In pursuit of a deer, young men were fairly late and were forced to spend the night in the forest. They laid a bonfire in a cave – and then “to the light” to he was visited by three beautiful girls in green long dresses. Jerome for some reason they seemed strange, but his friends were very rejoiced at such a pleasant society.

When dinner was over, one of the girls took out from the folds of clothes she asked the violin if the young men wanted to dance. Those willingly agreed. However, when the beautiful strangers started dancing, Jerome heard strange weeping sounds. Having looked closely, he with in amazement I saw that the long hem of the girls cover them small hooves. The legs themselves were overgrown with reddish with hair.

Terrified of his discovery, Jerome tried to lead away from the cave friends, but they, intoxicated by the beauty of the girls, did not respond to him calls and even threatened with cuffs so as not to interfere.

Coming out of the grotto, Jerome saw that their horses were trembling with the strong fear. The future preacher remembered the legend that evil spirits are afraid of horses, and decided to hide under the protection of these animals. He soon heard his cries coming from the grotto friends and a terrible growl, but did not budge, realizing that his unfortunate comrades can not be helped.

A photo from open sources

All night Jerome prayed in fear that the horses would tear the reins and gallop into the forest, leaving him unprotected. Young man until dawn heard someone wandering on the soft paws around the hitching post and calling his name, however, did not interrupt his prayers.

When the sun finally rose, Jerome, overcoming fear, went into the grotto and was dumbfounded by what he saw. The floor and walls of the cave were flooded and splattered with blood, everywhere lay pieces of torn human tel …

This monstrous tragedy completely changed the life of a carefree formerly young men. Returning home, Jerome vowed to devote fight against evil spirits all the remaining years. Subsequently he really spent a lot of lawsuits, after which on bonfire sent dozens of witches and sorcerers. However find the girls in the green who killed his friends, the preacher never managed to. It is likely that in his zeal he was doomed to death innocent people, and forest spirits at that time laughed at him naivety …

So who are they – women in green attire?

Esotericists who study ancient myths believe that “women in green “- very unusual representatives of otherworldly forces: these are the goddesses of trees left without their refuge. Remember the ancient Greeks worshiped dryads – forest nymphs from the sacred grove …

During Christianization, protected trees were mercilessly cut down, to eradicate pagan beliefs. Since then destitute deities take revenge on people as soon as they can.

A photo from open sources

It is quite possible that the Krasnoyarsk story happened along the same lines. reason. Where now is the house in which the unlucky girl rented cheap housing, once a sacred tree grew, mistress which was left without shelter. And judging by the fact that the apartment gave up at a low price, the forest spirit scared and survived more than one tenant …

Esoterics say meeting with “green ladies” is not scary to the one who plants trees, looks after them and knows how to talk with these powerful giants. To the one who, for the sake of fun, breaks branches and kills seedlings, do not escape the revenge of the dryads.

And it is no coincidence that there is a good belief that lush greens near residential buildings not only purifies the air, but also protects people from all sorts of misfortunes, brings wealth, prosperity and good health. It is such a great mercy that can bestow us a “green lady” who has found a long-awaited refuge.

A photo from open sources

Cave Time

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