Legendary simmering found in Amazon river

A legendary boiling river found in AmazoniaA photo from open sources

In the South American Amazon – the largest lowland of ours planets – a river was discovered so hot that above it there is always steam, and if you take a dip in such a stream, you can literally boil alive. It is noteworthy that the boiling river found in many ancient Peruvian myths, however, before of a recent moment, she was considered nothing more than a fabrication.

The author of the find was the geologist Andres Ruzo, currently residing and working in the Republic of Peru. The specialist found a unique river back in 2011, but then preferred to hold off with the publication of his discovery and for five years studied watercourse with the nearest ecosystem. Ruzo’s observations carefully documented and recently released an entire book called “Boiling River”.

According to the geologist, hot rivers almost always flow in surroundings of active volcanoes, but not in this case. No there are no volcanoes nearby a boiling river, and it’s still impossible to to say exactly why the water is heated here to high temperature. It’s amazing that the river remained so long unnoticed by scientists. At the same time, local residents have long known about her existence and actively use hot water in the household.

A photo from open sources

The length of the watercourse is a little over six kilometers, and the maximum width of the river reaches twenty-five meters. Depth in in some places it reaches six meters. As for the average temperature, then, according to Andres, is eighty six degrees centigrade. In some places, the water temperature reaches the boiling point, in others it does not exceed forty degrees. Enterprising residents of nearby villages bathe here and wash clothes.

Ruzo and his colleagues repeatedly noticed how they got into the water animals died from terrible burns. However, scientists managed find microorganisms in the river that can exist under such high temperatures.

Researchers suggest that water falls out initially in the form of rain, then seeps underground, where it heats up through geothermal energy. If this is true, then amazing a boiling river can only be a small part of the vast hydrothermal system hidden below.

A photo from open sources

Water Time Volcanoes Peru

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