A photo from open sources
The personal protection of the first persons of the state is specially selected trained intelligence officers. But in the USSR there was a case when the role the most trusted guard of the Secretary General of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev played … cat.
It is known that Brezhnev was a convinced materialist and very skeptical of tales of oriental magicians who supposedly do real miracles. In January 1969, when Brezhnev was on an official visit to India, at one of the receptions in the palace of Indira Gandhi, the Soviet ambassador Nikolai Pegov showed Leonid Ilyich to a small man of indefinite age:
“This is the Dalai Lama, the high priest of the Lamaist church in Tibet.” He is in exile, and Indira Gandhi sheltered him. This person enjoys great prestige throughout Southeast Asia. is he possesses tremendous magical powers and has repeatedly proved this is. For example, introduces into a hypnotic trance people suffering heart disease, asthma, stomach ulcers, and in just two Session forever cures them of these ailments. Even ours Kremlin doctors can’t do this.
A photo from open sources
But Brezhnev was not impressed. Then Pegov began to list other miracles the Dalai Lama is capable of: reading text with with closed eyes, without x-rays and analyzes to identify all diseases person, with a glance to move small objects lying on the table and even levitate, that is, take off the earth and a few seconds float in the air.
Magic tricks that do not fit into the framework of science, left Leonid Ilyich indifferent. And here is an instant diagnosis interested, and he asked the ambassador to introduce him to Tibetan wizard. Which was immediately done.
When the hands of the Secretary General and the Dalai Lama closed in handshakes, the high priest did not release his palm for a long time Leonid Ilyich. And then, looking into his eyes, reported through translator that a tall Soviet guest thirteen years ago suffered a heart attack, and now he is not all right with his heart. His attention should be paid to this body, since in the future it can cause trouble.
The diagnosis was so accurate that the affected Brezhnev told Ambassador Pegov:
– I can’t imagine how he found out, but in 1956, being the first Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, I really suffered heart attack! Exactly thirteen years have passed since then. Yes and now heart sometimes makes itself felt. Without doctors, I feel like him grabs. I wonder what else this one can say clairvoyant…
A photo from open sources
When Brezhnev’s request was transferred to the Dalai Lama, he still looking into the Secretary General’s eyes, he continued:
– Judging by the lines in the palm of the distinguished guest, in the near in the future, mortal dangers await him, which …
– It’s not otherwise that the plane I fly home on will fall, – laughing, interrupted the translator Leonid Ilyich.
Without taking his eyes off the eyes of the interlocutor, the Dalai Lama carefully I heard a translation of Brezhnev’s remark and said that with a deadly danger he will meet not in the air, but on the ground. And more than once. Then signaled to the translator to bend down and whisper something in his ear. After which the translator took a solemn pose and with pathos said:
– Mr. General Secretary, – most likely, the Dalai Lama intentionally omitted the name of the communist party because it did not match what he intended to offer, – His Holiness the Dalai Lama asks if you deign to accept from him as a gift a certain being who is endowed with a gift foresight. Thanks to this, in the future it will be able to protect you from deadly risk when it threatens you.
Obviously, the previous diagnosis made a big impression. on Brezhnev because he took seriously the proposal for mysterious gift:
– Of course, I will and I will be very grateful, whatever it is, – assured Leonid Ilyich.
After that, the Dalai Lama said something to the boy monk who headlong rushed out of the hall and in a minute or two came back with a big cell. In it sat a huge black cat, more like panther.
A photo from open sources
What happened next seemed like some kind of magical rite in which none other than the General took part Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. First the Dalai Lama uttered some kind of spell-like words, then raised the palm of Leonid Ilyich to the cage. The fluffy gift began carefully sniff it, now and then raising your huge yellow eyes on the Dalai Lama, then on the Secretary General, as if he wanted to make sure that he correctly understood the order of the high priest.
When the acquaintance with Brezhnev’s palm was over, the cat published a short roar and, going to the door, began to scratch it vigorously. Leonid Ilyich silently expected with interest that he would follow. The Dalai Lama signaled, and the monk boy opened the cage. Cat springed up and with unexpectedness for its size softness jumped on floor.
And then he sat down at Brezhnev’s feet, recognizing in him his new the owner. At this moment, Ambassador Pegov, fearing that no matter how the beast scratched the secretary general, tried to approach him. But the cat turned in his direction and hissed menacingly. Ambassador hastily stepped back.
The Dalai Lama smiled broadly, nodded his head approvingly and addressed Brezhnev with a small speech. Its meaning came down to that, judging by the behavior of the cat, he not only recognized Leonid Ilyich new owner, but also embarked on his duties guard him. In the future, Brezhnev should remember that if a cat approaches him, begins to rub on his legs, and even more so clings to trouser-leg, it means that he warns the owner about the future mortal danger. If the cat dies, then the owner will remain not live long.
– You should keep it at home, and feed only raw meat and only from your hands. Your biofields should merge together. Then his instinct of self-preservation extends to you, and with threatening your life, the cat will behave as if he saved his.
– And what if I have to go to a foreign country for a week? business trip? – asked Brezhnev puzzled. – Who will be then feed?
– In that case, take the cat with you. Consider him yours a security talisman, and therefore should always be within reach. Otherwise, the cat will lose its gift of foresight, will turn into an ordinary home parasite. Of course it will be nice “pat, but he will not be able to warn of danger.
Back to the Soviet Union, the secretary general and the guard cat returned to one plane. At the cottage in the district, where he lived most of the year Leonid Ilyich with his family, Lame (the so-called cat seer) took the whole room. The cat walked freely around the site, but didn’t let anyone in, except Brezhnev, who twice a day treated him with a huge piece of veal with blood.
A photo from open sources
For the first time, a cat demonstrated its amazing gift less than a month after he began to protect the Secretary General. All morning 22 January 1969, the Lama did not step away from Leonid Ilyich, rubbing about his legs and from time to time meowingly meowed in a hoarse bass. In that the day was to be a ceremonial meeting of the astronauts Shatalov, Khrunov, Eliseev and Volynov. Before Brezhnev’s departure Kremlin cat began to run amok, grab his legs with his teeth, and so insistently that he had to put on a chain.
All the way from Vnukovo-2 airport to the Kremlin Leonid Ilyich wondered: what could have infuriated the always calm Lama? And in eventually remembered the warning of the Dalai Lama. Just in case, without explaining the true reason, Brezhnev said accompanying him Kosygin and Podgorny:
– What are we, comrades, rushing forward? Who people meet us or astronauts? Come on, Nikolai, ”he turned to the driver,“ immediately rebuild and stand at the end of the column!
Meanwhile, broadcasters on the streets announcers reporting on the movement of the government motorcade with the astronauts said what exactly in the second car is the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev.
When the cavalcade of “gulls” entered the Kremlin through the Borovitsky gates, from the line of cordon towards the second car rushed a man in police uniform and with both hands opened fire to kill. Fortunately, he did not know about the rebuilding of the motorcade and aimed at the second “seagull” in the window of which I saw an astronaut resembling Brezhnev George Beregovoy. The terrorist fired 14 shots, killing the driver and easily injuring the astronauts Beregovoy and Nikolaev. So Leonid Ilyich convinced of the visionary abilities of the Lama.
The second case, when a guard cat saved his master’s life, occurred on February 20, 1970. In the morning, Lama burst into the bedroom Secretary General and, like a year ago, began to rub against his legs, plaintively meowing. And when a little later Brezhnev was about to leave the house, he began grab your teeth by the cuffs of your trousers. This reminded Leonid Ilyich of the behavior of a seer cat on the day of the assassination on January 22. He decided yet time to check his visionary abilities, canceled the departure and stayed at home.
Soon Brezhnev was informed by radio telephone that on the highway, on which was driven by the General Secretary ZIL, a military cargo flew out from the side the car. The driver from the government garage escaped the collision, but the car turned around and it crashed into the side of the roadside trailer. The security guard who was in Brezhnev’s place was demolished half a head.
After listening to all this, Leonid Ilyich asked the telephone operator on duty connect it with Indira Gandhi. Explaining nothing, Brezhnev asked her to find an excuse and reward the Dalai Lama some Indian order. Then he called the kitchen and said to bring an extra piece of veal for Lama.
A year later, the cat-guardian angel helped the Secretary General for the third time. Avoid mortal danger. In early 1971, Brezhnev received invitation of President Georges Pompidou to visit France with an official visit. At this time, not finished off by the former French president, General de Gaulle, members of the OAC terrorist organization, switched to an illegal position, they thought to remind themselves double attempt on Pompidou and Brezhnev.
A photo from open sources
On the day of the Secretary General’s departure, the seer cat behaved calmly until until Leonid Ilyich went to get into the car, which was supposed to deliver it to Vnukovo-2. And then the Lama seemed furious. Like earlier, he grabbed Brezhnev with his teeth by the cuffs of his legs, desperately meowed, and then suddenly calmed down and stared at his master with huge yellow eyes, as if I wanted to tell him something very important. In addition, he did not allow him to put on a collar, to which I got used to traveling with Brezhnev overseas trips.
The unusual behavior of the cat forced Brezhnev to show vigilance. He called the chairman of the KGB, Yuri Andropov, and nothing without explaining, asked if there were any new disturbing data on France. Andropov hesitated a little, and then said that half an hour earlier I received a report from foreign intelligence about Oasovites preparing an assassination attempt on Pompidou and on him, General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.
By this time, Brezhnev already believed his a visionary cat that, without hesitation, decided to postpone the visit. Lama was right again this time: two days later the press appeared report on the arrest of conspirators preparing an assassination attempt Pompidou and Brezhnev.
Ten years have passed, during which the guard cat constantly was under Leonid Ilyich, but the alarm never filed. In the spring of 1982, going to Tashkent for the festivities, dedicated to the presentation of the Order of Lenin of the Uzbek SSR, Brezhnev, as always, and took with him the Lama.
In the morning of March 23, the Secretary General was to visit several sites in including an aircraft factory. But then they decided not to go there, because that the program was getting too busy, and the security at the factory removed. However, the planned visits were managed quickly, time to there was still plenty of lunch, and Brezhnev proposed to the First Secretary The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan Rashidov still call in the aircraft plant. The security chief in the car objected to this. General Secretary General Ryabchenko:
– Leonid Ilyich, this cannot be done right now. To return security, it takes time. And then, they report to me from the residence that your pet lama is just crazy. Hesitating, bitten already security, ”he said as a last resort, knowing that everything Brezhnev visits or cancels depending on behavior his tibetan cat.
But Brezhnev did not listen to the general, rigidly answering that he engaged in security, and he himself will deal with the cat. Leonid Ilyich could not and suggest that, for the first time without paying attention to the behavior of the Lama, exposes himself to mortal risk.
At the factory, getting out of the car, Brezhnev with Rashidov and bodyguards moved to the assembly shop. When they passed under the wing of an almost finished airplane, people gathered in the woods became move after them. Suddenly there was a terrible rattle. The rafters surrounding the aircraft could not stand the gravity of the crowd, and a huge the wooden platform collapsed, covering Brezhnev and Rashidov! And on top people also rolled on them.
Fortunately, the site did not crush anyone. Leonid Ilyich was lying on back, next to him Rashidov with a broken head. General Ryabchenko for some reason he looked at his watch: it was 13 hours 23 minutes.
The bodyguards with great difficulty raised Brezhnev. Go to he refused the hospital, and he was taken to the residence. Waiting for him there the sad news. At exactly 13 hours 23 minutes the seer cat biting teeth with a metal leash and biting to the blood trying to restrain his guards, ran out into the street and rushed under wheels of a passing car.
After the death of Lama, the health of Leonid Ilyich deteriorated sharply. IN In November of the same 1982, Brezhnev died. The prediction of the Dalai Lama come true.
Sergey PAVLOV Magazine “Secrets and mysteries”
Drivers Time Life Cats Aircraft of the USSR �