Life after death exists – proved scientists

Life after death exists, scientists have proven.Photo from open sources

American and German neurologists have proven the existence of life after death. They managed to fix powerful electromagnetic pulses from the brain of the dying.

Dozens of hopeless patients have been investigated by scientists. Berlin Stroke Study Center and University of Cincinnati. It turned out that after a cardiac arrest and a drop in pressure, in the brain dead electrical impulses are recorded. Wherein it is noted that the brain is even more active than when of life.

Scientists have long known that at the time of death of a person the equipment fixes incomprehensible electrical phenomena. Scientists from George Washington University (USA) were the first to encounter given phenomenon. A few years later, scientists at the University of Nijmegen bursts of brain activity in animals were observed.

Scientists do not consider the results to be a sensation, since their the work only confirms the well-known hypothesis. Scientists say that powerful electrical impulses are recorded in all the dead, therefore, after a cardiac arrest, a person remains conscious. Not only one thing is clear so far – how long can this condition last.

A huge amount of information about survivors has been accumulated in the world. clinical death of patients reporting that they are in those moments continued with the same clarity to observe what was happening around. Probably, scientists are increasingly beginning to understand that to such it’s somehow related to the amount of evidence, therefore reinforce their attention in this direction.

ESOREITER previously talked about a neurosurgeon who survived clinical death.

Andrey Vetrov

A life

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