A photo from open sources
Zinovieva N.B.
Article Three
Science in our time is undergoing a period of deep specialization. She lost the syncretism that, for example, showed ancient Greek philosophy – its subject of research included all sides of life without exception. Of course, the amount of knowledge has grown so on a large scale, that today there can be no talk of such unity. But also the consequences of this are also sad – often scientists don’t know, and don’t want to know what success their colleagues in related workshops are achieving. Their thinking does not connect far-reaching scientific fields. IN in particular, this relates to the relationship between astronomy and biology. Apart from astrological forecasts, then no other they have no intersections. Being enchanted by huge spaces of the universe, galaxies, representatives of these sciences do not trace the dependence of their formation on biological forms of life. From their point of view, life is such a trifle that in no way cannot affect the universe. “And how did it begin? Yes, by chance! And where is she going? And nowhere! “- these are typical views on this problem. But this is not so! The connection between them is direct. A life plays a decisive role in this whole system, despite its very insignificant sizes in comparison with space open spaces. IN in the previous article, we justified the existence of another parallel world, organized by other laws contrary to the laws material world. Here – in the material world – the decay of matter. There is a synthesis, but not of matter, but of energy substance. Here discreteness – spatial isolation of particles, elements, subjects, subjects. There is continuity within the boundaries of a certain field. Moreover, self-development is inherent in this energy substance, which increases pressure on the borders. Therefore it can be carried out only to certain limits, followed by explosion and as a result – a breakthrough of space. This is the first the act of creation from which the formation of the universe begins. Energy substance pours out and turns into dead matter from which galaxies then begin to form. But getting here, into this material world, the energy essence is already does not develop, because it “dies”, and its remains begin to function according to other – directly opposite laws, and namely, according to the decay vector. A new countdown begins at another direction. Formerly Continuous, Energetic a mono-object is divided into the smallest discrete units, particles. But these are dead particles from which living things cannot be reborn. But but stars, planets, nebulae and others can form objects of the universe. The mechanism of the “perpetual motion” of life is arranged in the following way. Stabilized in a certain state after the initial explosion, matter forms some conditions, allowing the birth of life. This does not happen right away, maybe in billions of years. What are these conditions? The presence of a certain environment, better in a liquid state, allowing to provide the necessary density of material substance and mobility of molecules. Once in this medium, a particle of living energy – the messenger of another world – may attract molecules to itself and thus form itself protective shell. But the question arises here. But how can she to be a messenger if the world of living substance exploded and poured into our space? This is true. But in that world, time moves differently vector – in the opposite direction. This energy substance first “took care” of the future revival, launched its messengers, and only then exploded. And in our course of time – movement carried out in a different sequence – first exploded, and then material life came into being. This principle species conservation we can also observe in terrestrial forms biological life. To keep the species alive, biological life must multiply and multiply. Parents die, but children continue the struggle for existence. Originating in biological form, life begins to multiply quantitatively and become complicated qualitatively, and most importantly, produces live energy (biofield) and produces it into space. A common biofield is formed around a planet (noosphere) that partially bends space. And further movement in this direction theoretically should lead to a breakthrough of space, but in the opposite direction – towards a parallel world where it should be reborn in a new as an energy substance. The accumulated energy of the living creatures must flow into this space and give rise to a new coil of his movement. Here is a diagram: two spaces alternately flow one into another – and this is cyclical the universe. Life is a perpetual motion machine, and time moves along a vicious circle. Thus, everything that surrounds us is everything manifestations of life. But in different guises: -like life in the material a form that is a balance of living energy and dead matter – all biological creatures; – like life in energy form – continual energy substance in another space; -as the material form left after the explosion and death in our space – inorganic; – as the material form remaining after the death of a living biological being – organic. All this says that we are part of some very complex living education perhaps represent some kind of it functional organ.
Time Universe Galaxy Life Parallel Worlds